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RMS Titanic by MisterMeester - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC

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17 hours ago, Dr PR said:



It is pretty common for printers to not print at 1:1 scale, even if "Fit tp page" is disabled. Most people assume the printout is the "correct" size until they get burned as you did. If the actual size of a print is necessary you have to determine the actual error and correct for it as you did.


However, there is another problem. How do you know the ruler you are using is accurate? I have a collection of rulers from different manufacturers and they do not all agree! Some differ by as much as 0.1 inch in 12 inches (0.83%). The cheaper ones tend to be junk. But metal "shop" rulers may also be inaccurate - there is a lot of junk being marketed by worthless slimeballs who care more about how much money they can stuff in their pockets than the quality of the products they sell.


If you have calipers that can measure to 0.001 inch (0.0254 mm) you can check your rulers to determine which are most accurate.  


But how accurate are your calipers? There is always some error in measurement devices. It is just a question of how accurate is good enough? For modeling purposes an error of +/- 0.001 inch is good enough.




Very good points. Thanks. Never considered a ruler might be inaccurate. I do not have calipers. The ruler I used is a cheapo bought at a drug store.

Anyway, it all worked out. If I'm ever in need of this kind of accuracy again, which I suppose is likely, I will definitely take your points into consideration. Me thinks a Staedtler ruler would be accurate.




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On 7/6/2024 at 9:39 PM, MisterMeester said:

Sorry I haven't replied sooner. I'm supposed to get an email notification advising me of replies to this log. Not sure how I missed that. 


Pictures from that other site? Which pictures? The MiniBrass kit? There's a good video or two on YouTube on that one. 


I have an elderly aunt in Winnipeg. Hate to say it, but I might be out that way in a year or two for a funeral. She's 93.




We have an amazing hobbyshop here... Hobbysense, not too much in the sense of aftermarket, but tools, paints and models... wow.


The images I'm looking for are these ones:

On 5/5/2024 at 5:34 PM, MisterMeester said:




I'll send you a message through the messaging system

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Posted (edited)

Working the underhull plating kit from Woody's Modelworks (aka Maritime Models) has begun. The idea here is to build the plating in five sections, setting aside each section as it's completed, and then glue the sections to the hull en masse. The seller states (in an email reply) that the thickness of the styrene is 0.20mm. I don't dispute that as it appears, in a side by side comparison to the .005" (0.13mm) styrene I used for the stern plating, to be slightly thicker. As with the stern plates worked, there is a "lip" on each of these plates that I deem necessary to sand down.






And so it begins. I think this will be fairly easy, just tedious and time consuming. It's going to take awhile.



Thanks for looking. Suggestions are welcome.






Edited by MisterMeester
Improved wording
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sheet 1 done.



Starting Sheet #2 soon. 


One recently learned disadvantage to being on a blood thinner as a result of an angioplasty is that back issues are not immune to easily being rectified by a chiropractor. As it is, I have suffered a back ailment (not the first time), that, because of my recent stent implants, cannot be rectified in a traditional "back crack" chiropractor way until said implants have "healed" (6-12 months). A disappointing aspect of this (the back ailment) is I can't swing a golf club without resultant pain and can't get "fixed" by my chiropractor without "back cracking" until said stent healing is complete. I've been worse off before, but not in this scenario, and hoping that this setback can be rectified with modified chiro appointments as well as self care (read: annoying exercises) at home.

Point being, I will initially, and maybe beyond, have more time on my hands than expected to continue work on this project this summer. Hoping not, though.


Thanks for looking. Suggestions are welcome.




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