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Posted (edited)

Returning to the project after a somewhat lengthy and unexpected hiatus.


So, last May, Mr. Boyd amended his Hull Corrections document to include some double strakes that are missing on the kit hull. Honestly, my first reaction to this was "Ugh. More corrections. I'm NOT doing them.". But alas, it's winter and I've done them. (Well...not ALL of them. To be explained later).


I purchased some 0.25mm x 4.0mm styrene strip for this task.

The thickness is very close to bang on (perhaps a wee bit thick), but the width is not.

I used a set of calipers to scribe two strips to 3.75mm wide and then trimmed them with a #18 blade. Having said that, I found I still had to trim the width of each strake a tad more just prior to cementing in place. With using strips, I was guaranteed to have one edge perfectly straight. 



Port Fwd....




I struggled with the Port Fwd section somewhat and had to fill quite a few gaps. I used Milliput Superfine epoxy putty.



Port Aft.....




Port Aft went quite a bit better....



Starboard Forward....




Starboard side went very well. Just one small gap to fill in the forward section.....



Starboard Aft....



More on the yellow and blue circled sections in a bit.


Starboard Aft went well also....



Regarding the strake circled in yellow, (both sides, Port and Starboard), two images above.....this is already flush (on the kit mold) and adding a strake here would just create another inaccuracy, in that it would then NOT be flush as reference photographs indicate there are strakes above and below this strake. To make this "flush" would require adding strakes above and below it as well. Therefore, I did not add a strake here.

What is missing, however, is a lower panel line here, as indicated....



Panel line added, Port Aft.....



Starboard side aft. I used the edge of an erasing shield as a guide for the scriber, (both Port and Starboard).....



And the result....



And finally, regarding the strake circled in blue.....

Again....this part of the kit mold is already flush. To add a strake here introduces yet another inaccuracy. For the same reason. Referencing historical photographs shows that there were strakes above and below this strake. To make it accurate would require strakes above and below to be added as well.

But that begs the question, where does it end? I have come to the conclusion that the kit hull has LOTS of inaccuracies. How much? 20%? 30%? I have no idea and I'm not about to try and find out.

My model is not going to be a museum piece. Myself and my wife are essentially going to be the only ones who see the completed project. And anyone else who does see it will not know in the slightest.

Having said that, I still have lots to do to the hull to correct other inaccuracies. I have already committed in my own mind to do so. But chasing the inaccuracies of the double strakes ends here, for me.


Thanks for looking. Suggestions are welcome.





Edited by MisterMeester

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