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2 hours ago, yvesvidal said:

Nobody enjoys doing ratlines.



Well, I like ratlines. Ratlines mean masts and shrouds are on, when ratlines are finished you just got the sails to rig lol.

 It might be because you don't sing the ratline  tune, 99 ratlines on the wall 99ratlines on the wall. Sing this and the time just Flys by  lol.     :cheers:

Bob M

Start so you can Finish !!

Finished:         The Sea of Galilee Boat-Scott Miller-1:20 ,   Amati } Hannah Ship in a Bottle:Santa Maria : LA  Pinta : La Nana : The Mayflower : Viking Ship Drakkar  The King Of the Mississippi  Artesania Latina  1:80 


 Current Build: Royal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston-Vanguard Models :)


Hello lovelies,
I have a problem. I'll post a photo of the construction plan in a moment. According to the plan, I should brace the top of the mast with maids. According to the description, these should be attached to the shrouds. From my physical point of view, I can't cope with that. I've just tried it, with the logical result that the shrouds are lifted and the mast loses tension. 
Is this really how it was done in real life, or is it just the simple Occre variant of simply tying the thing down somewhere?

There was also the question of whether the rather thick sails supplied would be installed. Thanks to my daughter, this was resolved today as she gave me some smart blouses that she no longer wears.
But I would like to install them gathered, does anyone have any photos of this, there are few on the net.

Thank you for your efforts

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985


Wow, what a lot of suggestions - you can't make up your mind.🤪
So I went ahead with the rigging. I realized that the upper masts don't fit.
You remember, the only zinc parts I was happy about were the ones that fit perfectly.
Oops, not there, I didn't realize that the masts up there were covered with strips.
So I took everything off again and built bigger ones out of wood.


Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985


Good morning to you this morning,
the night was short again, but successful.
I was able to install the cross masts on the foremast. I realized that the decision not to install sails was the right one. The old man still has to practise a bit with the rigging, too little space for fat Palatine fingers. Maybe I should have continued with a two-master after the Lady Nelson before I went for three. The next problem is the nails. They sit so tightly under the railing that it's impossible, at least for me, to get a thread under there, let alone tie a knot. So a simple assembly has to suffice.
I also don't want to go out of my way to do something that I'm sure I won't be able to do and spoil the great overall picture so far.
I also think that the deck work is quite good and too good to cover with sails.

Have a nice Sunday everyone

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985

  • 2 weeks later...

Hallo zusammen,
der Bau der Esmeralda ist vorerst abgeschlossen. Ich habe sechs Monate lang fast täglich daran gearbeitet, mit viel Freude und ab und zu auch etwas Frust. Aber der Frust und die entsprechenden Problemlösungen führen natürlich zu neuen Fähigkeiten. Viele Bausatzteile aus Sperrholz oder Metall wurden durch Massivholz ersetzt. Auf Lack wurde verzichtet, alles wurde gewachst und poliert.
Wenn ich irgendwann in Zukunft etwas besser im Rigging werde, werde ich es noch einmal auf die Werkbank legen, um es zu verfeinern.
Ich werde keine Schlüsse ziehen oder eine Bausatzbewertung abgeben. Der Bausatz wird nicht mehr produziert, daher ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Kopie gering.
Ich möchte mich bei allen bedanken, die mich auf dieser Reise begleitet haben.

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985

8 hours ago, SiriusVoyager said:

Gute Arbeit! Das Schiff sieht fantastisch aus. Ich werde noch einmal auf Ihren Bau zurückkommen, wenn ich in etwa 6-9 Monaten mit meinem eigenen beginne. 

Oh that's right, you have the kit in the cupboard. I'll be happy to help if there are any problems. You should then knock on Occre's door. The number of brass fittings for the masts is not correct. They sent me the complete sheet metal again without any problems. Although I could also send them to you, as I still have almost all of them left.

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985

3 minutes ago, Pfälzer said:

… The number of brass fittings for the masts is not correct. They sent me the complete sheet metal again without any problems. Although I could also send them to you, as I still have almost all of them left.

Thanks for the heads up. I had a similar problem with the Palamos now that you mention it. I have some brass tape that should work in a pinch. 

  - Eric

Current buildSultan Arab Dhow


Finished:  Norwegian Sailing Pram, Lowell Grand Banks Dory, Muscongus bay lobster smackOcCre Palamos, San Francisco Cross Section

13 hours ago, yvesvidal said:

So schön. Ich liebe das große Netz am Bug, das die Crew vor dem Herunterfallen schützt.


Sie haben mit einem nicht ganz so einfachen Bausatz ein Meisterwerk geschaffen.



Thank you for the praise, but masterly is an exaggeration. The list of flaws and small mistakes is not long, but they do exist. I would have liked the rigging in particular to be better.

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985

  • 5 weeks later...

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