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My guess is you're not happy with the uneven spacing around gunport? I get it. It makes me cringe a little when I have to do it, but you can't put deadeye strap in front of cannon port. That would probably not work well. 😀


It looks really good. Getting that rope to stay straight can be a challenge. You did well!


"You're gonna need a bigger boat."


Working on: Dusek's San Martin

Completed: Good ol' first ship build- Constructo's Albatross; Mamoli's HMS Bounty; Mamoli's Golden Hinde; Amati's Drakkar; Occre's Revenge; Artesania Latina's San Fran


The Knots under the nails are not so fine 

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 

Victory - Corel



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985


Good day,

Dear Pfalzer,

I have  some principal remarks regarding your rigging sequence , correct sequence should be like that:

*first mast tackles long stropes  should be fitted,

*than shrouds,

*than stays - their loops applied above shrouds loops which in their turns should be applied around mast top, lower part of the top mast should be left free, it is wrong to connect upper part of the main or fore stay to the lower part of the  respective top masts

*and finaly back stays if they are in use

These nuances about correct rigging sequence could be easily found practically in every ship modelling book.

Wood works of your model are very cool, and from my point of vew , it would be nice ti fitt all your rigging correctly  not  ruining nice model by wrongly installed rigging... by the way, lower part of the stays should not be connected directly to the spars ( masts or bowsprit), for that tackles need to be used.


There is very nice book abourd rigging which could be fully implemented in case of galleon rigging - R.C . Anderson " The rigging of ships. In the days of the Spritsail topmast 1600-1720" 


Posted (edited)

Hallo Kirill,
endlich mal wieder konstruktive Kritik hier.
Ehrlich gesagt habe ich vom Schiffbau und den ganzen Fachbegriffen überhaupt keine Ahnung. Ich betreibe dieses Hobby zur Entspannung und als Ausgleich zu meiner eher öden Arbeit, was die Konstruktion angeht. Mein bisheriges Berufsleben habe ich mit Werkplanung und technischen Projekten verbracht und privat amerikanische Motorräder in einer schmerzlosen Hardcore-Version gebaut.
Aber zurück zum Thema, eigentlich müsste ich deine Kritik an Occre weitergeben. Denn die möchten die Takelage genauso eingebaut haben. Beim Bau der Esmeralda sind mir einige Seilspannungen aufgefallen, die in der Realität keinen Sinn ergeben konnten, da sie bei manchen Rahen im Weg wären. Ich denke, es wurde in den Bauplan aufgenommen, um es dem Modellbauer beim Zusammenbau zu erleichtern. Die Reihenfolge der Takelage habe ich nur insoweit geändert, als dass ich nicht wie beschrieben zuerst die Wanten hergestellt habe, da ich im Anschluss nicht mehr richtig an die Stufen herankomme, zumal diese laut Beschreibung nicht mit den Wanten in Berührung kommen.

Danke jedenfalls für eure Anmerkungen, allerdings kann ich nicht versprechen, ob ich das schon verbaute noch ändere. So wie es aussieht habe ich offensichtlich keine Möglichkeit die Seile richtig zu befestigen.

Meine drei Bauten dieses Jahr waren alle eher experimenteller Natur. Da alle drei Schiffe nie wirklich existierten, habe ich mir darüber ehrlich gesagt keine großen Gedanken gemacht.

Aber ich gelobe, es besser zu machen, da ich in der Bucht einen Sieg von Corel errungen habe. 
Dies wird mein erstes ernsthaftes Modellierungsprojekt sein.

Grüße ins kalte Petersburg


Edited by Pfälzer

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 

Victory - Corel



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985


My apologies my friend. You're a perfectionist, and I guessed incorrectly. IF you wanna fix the knots, an easy fix is to feed line through hole you drilled instead of tying a knot.


"You're gonna need a bigger boat."


Working on: Dusek's San Martin

Completed: Good ol' first ship build- Constructo's Albatross; Mamoli's HMS Bounty; Mamoli's Golden Hinde; Amati's Drakkar; Occre's Revenge; Artesania Latina's San Fran


This is a good Idea 

Thank you 

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 

Victory - Corel



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985


Good day,

Dear Pfalzer , 

Honesty I even don't know what to say...

from one side, what maker of this kit do with rigging of his own kit, from historic  or technical point of vew, it is just ...lets say , looks very very strange and funny to see how they brake all imagiable  limits and rules of shipbuilduing tradition:))) ...

from other side , You told that You are very experienced in technical fields ,at least much more experinced  above normal housekipping's life of ordinary people, and from this point of vew, it could be twise relaxing to make corrected rigging(rigging  which will be working in reality as well as on your model )of your own model instead of to follow and reproduce these fully wrong ideas of maker's instructions , which looks like meaningless set of rigging lines :)))

... or ,once again, it could be same relaxing way just to  follow blindless kit's instruction  ....

First , I thoght that it were  your own idea how to make galleon riggings, looking at those pictures which You posted , but now I see, that You just carefully follow maker rigging diagrams, which are unfortunatelly  fully wrong...hm...

From third side, we could just follow kit's instruction 100% ... why not? ... but for me personaly , it would be not so fine to have these fillings in the background, that all my rigging I m making so carefully , I'm making carefully  wrong ! and I know , that I'm making it wrong because  kit maker did it so wrong by unknown reasons...



Your ship is looking fantastic,  sorry if this was asked before, but are you going to be making  sails for your ship. It is really impressive. To see how you make your ship. :cheers:

Bob  M

"Start so you can Finish!" 

In progress:

Astrolabe 1812 - Mantua 1:50; 

In queue:

Pegasus - Amati 1:64 


The Dutchess of Kingston - 1:64 Vanguard Models 🙂 
Santa Maria - 1:64, La Pinta - 1:64, La Nina - 1:64, Hannah Ship in a Bottle - 1:300, The Mayflower - 1:64, Viking Ship Drakkar -1:50 all by Amati. King of the Mississippi - Artesania Latina - 1:80  Queen Anne's Revenge - Piece Cool - 1:300  The Sea of Galilee Boat - Scott Miller - 1:20

3 hours ago, kirill4 said:

Guten Tag,

Liebe Pfälzer, 

Ehrlich gesagt weiß ich nicht einmal, was ich sagen soll ...

Einerseits sieht es aus historischer oder technischer Sicht, was der Hersteller dieses Bausatzes mit der Takelage seines eigenen Bausatzes macht, einfach ... sagen wir mal, sehr, sehr seltsam und lustig aus, wie sie alle erdenklichen Grenzen und Regeln der Schiffsbautradition brechen:))) ...

Andererseits haben Sie gesagt, dass Sie in technischen Bereichen sehr erfahren sind, zumindest viel erfahrener als das normale Leben gewöhnlicher Leute, die sich um ihre Sachen kümmern, und aus dieser Sicht könnte es entspannend sein, an Ihrem eigenen Modell eine korrigierte Takelage vorzunehmen (eine Takelage, die sowohl in Wirklichkeit als auch an Ihrem Modell funktioniert), anstatt den völlig falschen Vorstellungen in den Anweisungen des Herstellers zu folgen und sie zu reproduzieren, die wie ein bedeutungsloser Satz Takelagelinien aussehen :)))

... oder, noch einmal, es könnte genauso entspannend sein, einfach den Anweisungen des Blindless-Kits zu folgen …

Als ich mir die von Ihnen geposteten Bilder ansah, dachte ich zuerst, Sie hätten Ihre eigene Idee für die Takelage einer Galeone, aber jetzt sehe ich, dass Sie sich nur sorgfältig an die Takelagediagramme der Hersteller halten, die leider völlig falsch sind ... hm ...

Von der dritten Seite her könnten wir einfach hundertprozentig den Anweisungen im Bausatz folgen ... warum nicht? ... aber für mich persönlich wäre es nicht so schön, diese Füllungen im Hintergrund zu haben, dass ich meine gesamte Takelage, die ich so sorgfältig mache, sorgfältig falsch mache! Und ich weiß, dass ich es falsch mache, weil der Bausatzhersteller es aus unbekannten Gründen so falsch gemacht hat ...


Hello Kirill,
I've taken the trouble to look into the matter again for you. On all the videos available on YT, the stays are tensioned in the same way. After inspecting my own construction, I have a hunch that there is a reason for this.
Apparently the correct rigging collides with the present construction. I fear that the assembly of the yards would then be difficult.
Nevertheless, thanks for the suggestion, it will be incorporated into the construction of the Victory.


Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 

Victory - Corel



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985

1 hour ago, Knocklouder said:

Ihr Schiff sieht fantastisch aus. Entschuldigen Sie, wenn das schon gefragt wurde, aber werden Sie Segel für Ihr Schiff bauen? Es ist wirklich beeindruckend. Zu sehen, wie Sie Ihr Schiff bauen. :Prost:

Bob M

Hi Knock Knock,
yes, this build will be the first time I have used sails.
I have secured a fine silk fabric for it by reaching into my daughter's wardrobe.
Let's see if I succeed.

Greetings my dear

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 

Victory - Corel



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985

Posted (edited)

Hallo ihr Lieben,
die Merkwürdigkeiten der Takelage werden langsam lustig.
Die letzten beiden Tage habe ich mit den Wanten am Großmast angefangen.
Schön, wie ich irgendwo gelesen habe, Steuerbord vorne rechts. Mit einer Schlaufe um den Großmast.
Mittlerweile bin ich in der Mitte angekommen und habe festgestellt, dass im Krähennest nie genug Platz für alle Leinen sein wird.
Außerdem überlappen sie sich schon fast auf halber Höhe.
Also habe ich mir den Bauplan angeschaut. Ich kann mich irren, aber mir scheint, dass der Konstrukteur die Seile nur zwischen den Bäumen platzieren will.
Ich werde in den sauren Apfel beißen und nochmal von vorne anfangen, inklusive der Stenge.
Dem lieben Kirill werden die Haare zu Berge stehen, wenn er das sieht.


Übersetzt mit DeepL.com (kostenlose Version)





Edited by Pfälzer

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 

Victory - Corel



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985


Good morning everyone,
This Spanish construction miracle is starting to get on my nerves.
When I attach all the shrouds to the lower mast, they overlap halfway through. So I used the topmast, only to realise that there will be problems with the yard.
If you look at the rigging plan, that's exactly how it should be.
The most annoying thing is that Occre is a big sponsor here, but they don't seem to care about the results of their buildings as much as a sack of rice falling over in China.
I praise Chris Watton, who gets in touch immediately when a user has a problem with his designs to point out solutions.

Dear friends of Occre, that's what you call customer service. And that's how you please your customers and keep them, just by the way.
For me personally, this will be my last kit from your company.
I'm afraid you won't care, but you shouldn't underestimate the effect of a bad review like mine.

Farewell, I'm off to continue my troubles.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 

Victory - Corel



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985

Posted (edited)

Good day,

One of the solution , by my opinion, it could be to increase a little bit opening in the lower part of the top - this will give you some extra room for passing shrouds and respective stays , for increasing opening in the lower part of the top, you would be need to cut off one of its lower layer.... and rearrange a little top floor...

At least,when I m looking at the posted pictures, right now, the size of the top too small to be correct and there is too small opening in the lower part of the top platform...

There should be sufficient space to accomodate all shrouds loops and stay loop above them...

The secuence of rigging is quite important...

lower part of the top mast shouldnt be used for attaching stays,shrouds or any other rigging lines...

And I would like to recommend to take a break for a while with rigging and to spend a little time to read R.C.Anderson book about rigging matters... it is not necessary to read it complete, but a few pages only where he talks about certain issues which You faced in your rigging...

When You will follow rigging with understanding and sure what and how the process should goes on, current situation will not looks so dramatic as now.

As seems to me this Ocre kit still manageble, and good kit for start,You did very good work with the hull, but current spars and rigging questions are minor and could be easily be corrected by You because You already have good experience to work with wood for these correction...

I would advise , at these stage, to avoid using original Ocre rigging and sails plan anymore  ,which only create for You very big mess and confusion but to use any other professionaly desighned rigging and spars plans which will suitable for spanish galleon rigging,

I would like to mention in this respect one of  Ab Hoving's books about Dutch shipbuilding traditions where He gives step by step instructions how to fitt all rigging and sails with technically correct illustrations of typically europian galleon of the beggining of 17th century... rigging plans from this book could be almost directly using for your spanisg galleon model.

It is europian style rigging and similar period with your model.

But first, as I mentioned, there is a sence  as seems to me, to take a break,

*to read that Anderson book , where He gives all necessary explanations in very simple manner,

*to look at that Ab Hoving rigging plans ,kipping in mind what You read in Anderson book and compare with Ab Howing plans

*to draw on your own rigging diagramm   and than to continue to rigg your beatifull model...

All the best!



Screenshot_20241214_092052_Samsung Internet.jpg

Edited by kirill4
Posted (edited)

Yeah I wasn't too impressed with the Occre Revenge kit I built.

Just keep going. You're doing really well. If you search the wonder web for galleon rigging pdf., you'll come across a lot of free files that help with the steps and the the order of the steps. When I was a newer builder, I followed the directions because I thought the makers knew more than I. When I built my first kit, the makers did indeed know more than I; however, I've learned to trust research and the wealth of knowledge on this site. I follow very little of kit instructions. What's the worst thing that could happen? 

It's your build, so do whatever makes you happy and makes sense to you. You do nice work.

Edited by MikkiC


"You're gonna need a bigger boat."


Working on: Dusek's San Martin

Completed: Good ol' first ship build- Constructo's Albatross; Mamoli's HMS Bounty; Mamoli's Golden Hinde; Amati's Drakkar; Occre's Revenge; Artesania Latina's San Fran

Posted (edited)

Hallo ihr Lieben,
der Ärger ist verflogen, die dicke Luft verschwunden.
Also machte ich mich an die Arbeit an den Wanten, nachdem ich eine Lösung für mein Problem gefunden hatte.
Am Großmast konnte ich Platz gewinnen, strukturell nicht korrekt, aber optisch akzeptabel, ich mag einfache Lösungen.
Am Fockmast gelang es mir, indem ich begann, den Mast von hinten abzuspannen.
Leider führte dies dazu, dass die Spannung nach vorne hin zunahm, was zu dem kleinen Schönheitsfehler führte, den man sehen kann. Aber nur am letzten Maiden, also nicht dramatisch.
Die Maiden habe ich auch mit Eiche gebeizt, da sie für das Gesamtbild zu hell waren.
Am Besanmast werde ich in den nächsten Tagen arbeiten und dann Leinen weben.

Schöne Tage euch allen

Übersetzt mit DeepL.com (kostenlose Version)




Edited by Pfälzer

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 

Victory - Corel



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985


Good day,

I've found this drawing, some moments of rigging are questionable, but in general not so bad! At least position of the stays shown correctly,...



This is like Dussek build the San Martin.

Will be interesst for MikkiC.

Thank you 

Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 

Victory - Corel



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985




"You're gonna need a bigger boat."


Working on: Dusek's San Martin

Completed: Good ol' first ship build- Constructo's Albatross; Mamoli's HMS Bounty; Mamoli's Golden Hinde; Amati's Drakkar; Occre's Revenge; Artesania Latina's San Fran


I want your vote.

Witch Coulor for the Sails ?


Funktionierender Build:

San Martin - 

Victory - Corel



Cala Esmeralda - Occre

Lady Nelson-Victory-Modelle 

Gorch Fock-Graupner 1985


My vote is upper right because I like vintage look. Are you going to decorate the sails....like with a big red cross?


"You're gonna need a bigger boat."


Working on: Dusek's San Martin

Completed: Good ol' first ship build- Constructo's Albatross; Mamoli's HMS Bounty; Mamoli's Golden Hinde; Amati's Drakkar; Occre's Revenge; Artesania Latina's San Fran


Looking good. The shadows on the wall are mesmerizing!!!!! Great pic


"You're gonna need a bigger boat."


Working on: Dusek's San Martin

Completed: Good ol' first ship build- Constructo's Albatross; Mamoli's HMS Bounty; Mamoli's Golden Hinde; Amati's Drakkar; Occre's Revenge; Artesania Latina's San Fran

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