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Posted (edited)

I had debated entering any data that I acquire as I build 3 of these kits for a special project I have begun. After all what could I add that either hasn't been documented by others. Those of you who have gone before me know well the challenges of these kits. I would offer that their size and the nature of the parts would challenge one regardless of the skill level.


I am finishing a model of the Niagara that was gifted to me by the family of a friend and fellow modelr who has left us. The model hull, masts, spars, bow sprit, all deck furniture and cannon are complete Some minor exceptions are needed as well as 3 major ones. None of the small boats have been fashioned. It has sat under a plastic cover for almost 3 1/2 years until I finally got my head around completing it to a "reasonable" end stage. I will explain.


I do not have the room nor time to finish the model fully rigged. Hence I am completeing it sans the masts, spars and rigging. I have completed a case for the model, teaching myself how to work with arcrylics and I built a proper base with the expert and kind guidance of members of the Midwest Model Shipwrights. 


The model of the Niagara is beautifully executed. Notably missing are those life boats. I experiented with the Model Shipways lift method of completing them but was not at all satisfied with the results. The carving did not deter me but detailing at the correct scale dissuaded me. I researched a number of options and finally decided to purchase the Vanguard small boats; namely 3 cutters one 22ft cutter and 2 25 ft cutters. The plans call for 2 cutters and 1 yawl but built up size led me to this compromise selection.


As I record this information I realize I have left off one more missing element. No port and starboard davits have been installed. The spare parts I have is one davit short so I am fabricating my own.


More to come as I build these bioats.




In ensuing segments I will detail how I am going about fabricating these devilish little boats.



Edited by ccoyle
corrected log title
  • The title was changed to 22 ft and 25 ft Cutters by Thistle17 Vanguard Models - 3/64 scale - An Approach To Their Construction
Posted (edited)

Let me say at the outset I am not evaluating the kit or its design and manufacture. I will however record my experience of the build with these kit(s.


Like all Vanguard kits I am aware of, the assembly is POB using mdf as the bulkhead material. It was easy enough to assemble the substrate and bulkhead. . At first I assembled the bulkheads with all members from 6 forward facing the bow and members 7 through 10 facing stern. Given the nature of laser "machining" finish I thought I would benefit by preserving the proper bulkhead edge when fairing. Hiowever upon installing the keel there seemed to be a bit too much intereference in mating. The solution was to orient the bulkheads all facing the bow. Residual fit problems were lessened but the fore more bow bulkhead had to be thinned to fit the keel slot.


I installed the permanent bulkhead ahead of the transom and faired the hull. Prior I did brace the keel stem as shown. The support height is just shy of the sheerline. During fairing I could feel some of the bulkheads moving on the substrate so several were secured with some PVA. Also using diluted PVA on the keel-bulkhead joints loosened and were ultimately secured with a surgically placed drop of CA, 


The transom is an extremely delicate part and is easily separated from its substrate restraints. Even with very deklicate sanding with 220 paper to slightly taper the edge of the transom it broke away taking part of the keel vertical support. It was easily repaired and I moved on.


In planking I took a very deliberate approach. However I did not "line off" to create planking bands given the dimmuitive surface area. Instead I measured and recorded the surface length of each bulkhead. That would have been more accurately done on free standing bulkheads I might add. Then taking as near an accurate measurement of a plank width I determined the number of planks at bulkhead 6. Each bulkhead forwad and aft that was measured and recorded gave me a measure of the taper required of the plank as a percentage. Using a shop made plank holding device the sheer planks were fabricated.



After recording mid bulkhead points on the end of a maple block I fastened the build to the platform. I drilled out and press fitted pins to hopefully aid in holding subsequent planks down as I progress. I elevated the build so I wasn't bent over the bench. It also stabilizes the build . In a close up of the bulkheads you will note they have been painted. I am a bit unsure of this measure to ease the breakawy of bulkheads when turned over but at this point yet another cautionary measure. In placing the sheer strakes I did use CA at the bow, the stationary bulkhead and transom. In addition a small drop of CA was placed at bulkheads 4 and 8 to keep the plank starter from moving. I am planning on using PVA to edge glue subsequent planks.


The plank holding jig is shown below. It is held together with 2 screws. There is a dado running down the inside faces and a spline is located so the plank protrudes at the top. I have recorded the bulkhead positions on the top surface. Before sizing, planks are dampened for the first few inches and formed on the hull. Each bulkhead ,location is marked on the plank in place. When dry the plank is removed and aligned on/in the jig. A sanding block is used to taper the plank at its correct locations based on the taper reduction calculated.





Edited by Thistle17

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