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Hello Glenn...Nice work; I'm sure happy to be finished with this stage of the build and looking forward to the next phase.  So far everything looks very well cared for as I see you are particular as to how you do things.  I believe you are moving at a quick pace but when you are unhappy with something you take the time to do it over differently.  All in all, a good job. One thing, though, I followed the manual and have two rigging threads per gunport which I guess, according to you, is not authentic.  Well,it's too late now as my next phase will be putting Victory in her display case.

Look forward to your next posting.



Posted (edited)

Beakhead capping completed.

Paintwork will need a touch up once the glue has dried.


Realised I had missed the top brass profile on the beakhead bulkhead



View from hull, showing beakhead capping and shot garlands.post-7550-0-56789600-1416152036_thumb.jpg


Brass profile, painted yellow, now attached



Once the two forecastle Carronade's have been assemblied the work will move on to the bows assembly phase, which looks will take some time and plenty of  hard work to get right.

Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


When reviewing some build logs I realised I have installed the beakhead capping assembly incorrectly; this seems to be a common theme with my build.


I know something wasn't right yesterday, but couldn't put my finger on it.

I need to rotate all the timberheads through 90 degrees as I have not installed the carronade access port correctly.

Hopefully I can break the glue / paint seals tonight and correct



Arggggggggg when will I ever learn!!!!!!

Glenn (UK)


Hello Glenn...The purpose of this post is to offer you empathy.  Many times I installed something incorrectly necessitating a 'redo."  I never noticed your error from the photos as it is hard to clearly see.  But I'm happy you found the mistake when you did as later on it would be a bit more difficult.  All in all you are developing a beautiful build which will make you happy.  Take care and good luck,



Hello Jerry

I discovered my error when looking at your build log for the carronade and bow construction phases.


I them confirmed my error when I looked at Gil's Log.


Many thanks for your empathy.

Glenn (UK)


Hello David

I wouldn't mind but I did take my time with the beakhead capping assembly. I had all the parts cut and prepared a few days ago and did several dry fits and still got it wrong.


For some reason I got it into my head that the slots on the timberheads for the carronade port ring should be forward facing and not side facing.

It was clear on the jotika plans but I still chose to ignore that yesterday thinking the plans were wrong and I was right.


I will be going extra slow for the bow assembly phase, that's for sure. Plenty of trial dry fits and I will not committee to anything permanent until I'm 100% sure its right (famous last words).

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Beakhead capping build error has now been corrected, didn't take to long and I'm now happy with how it looks.




Work on building the two carronades, it is progressing slowly but I'm happy to take my time

Base section assemblied and painted




I may remove a little bit of the black front end to bring more in line with the actual HMS Victory carronades.

Slight bit of yellow paint leakage to be corrected as well.

Also front edge of lower yellow block need to be painted black




I will be taking time with the bow assembly phase as I think it will be quite a tricky task to complete.

Plenty of pre painting and dry fitting seems to be the order of the day.


FIrst dry fitting.



This part is too big to fit in the slot, slight modification required


Part has been modified; dry fitted, post modification.



These parts have now been removed and are currently undergoing the painting process.

Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Carronades completed, ready for rigging. Planning on rigging the cannon later on.





First part of bow assembly completed with the curve bow rails painted and fitted.

The hair bracket and lower bow cheek rail also painted and fitted.

The four timber heads have been painted, but are only dry fitted in the following photos.

I will need adjust the timber head slots for the rails so the fit properly when fitted




Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Hello Glenn,


Just catching up on build logs and you're coming along like a house on fire.  Well done.  Good too see you're on to doing the carronades now.  I just completed and rigged mine and posted a couple of pics in my log.  As for do-overs, if it weren't for them I could have built 3 Victories by now!  But the joy is in getting it right.


Nice work!




Hello Glenn.


You're like the battiries....you  know..you just keep going...and going...and going...But as David said,  it's going well.  It's a pleasure to see your determination to do things right.  I've been spending some time trying to creat a slideshow of my build.  One of these days I'll complete it and if i think it's okay, I'll figure out how to post it.  Hope you're having a great weekend.  Best regards,



First part of the bow assembly is now complete with exception of the blue 2mm strips on the tiberhead side edges which will be tomorrow nights task.


Turned out to be quite a tricky task, and if I had my time again I would do it differently, but hindsight is a wonderful ability which I do not have!

In the end its not turned out too bad.


post-7550-0-49499500-1417037173_thumb.jpg post-7550-0-37528500-1417037189_thumb.jpg


post-7550-0-70416600-1417037225_thumb.jpg post-7550-0-67142100-1417037251_thumb.jpg




Glenn (UK)


Greetings glen

Well done with your progress, and now the cats tails. Another three points for your lot , and we are pigging ninth now. A must watch Friday night BBC 2. 7.30. The Goons show!!!!!! Keep enjoying it. DAVID

Posted (edited)

Hello David I was at Old Trafford last night so I was one very happy bunny! I love the goons so will certainly tune in on Friday

Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Hello Gundorph

Many thanks for your visit and very kind d comments. Enjoy your build and perhaps you can make the Victory your next project

Glenn (UK)


Not been in the shipyard for the last few days, as i was struck down with a bad case of Man Flu. Tonight I bravely overcome the odds and returned to the yard but I didn't do of work.


I have now fitted the Marines walk, and I'm finalising the cat head assembly before fitting to the hull.


For no other reason than I really wanted to see them in place I decided to precut (slightly longer than needed), the lower mast sections.

The difference to the whole build with the simple task of fitting these masts is amazing.

I will be buying a mini lathe in the new year to help with the tapering of the mast and yard sections.






Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Hello Glenn.  

Glad to see you're back in business and feeling better.  Your build is looking very nice as usual.  I wanted to mention that unless you have other uses for a lathe, you might consider a drill press as I believe a drill press is a more versitile tool for making masts and yards.  I'm sure you know that a lathe works well for specific wood projects but a drill press can be used for what it's intended for and also to turn the masts and yards.  I used a drill press that I borrowed to make the masts and yards for Victory and I'm waiting for Santa to bring me my own for Christmas.  I don't know if I've been more nice than naughty but i'm keeping my fingers crossed.  Keep up your beautiful work..



Edited by Jerry

Greetings Glen

Yep it's looking very impressive now, and will more so with the poop deck fitted. Then a few weeks or more working on the galleries. Well done glen, and keep enjoying it.... Less haste !! DAVID


Hello Jerry

I can see the benefit of a drill press, I could always buy a drill press and a lathe!

There are quite a few other tool I have my eye on as well.


Hello David

My next task is to complete the last 6 off 10mm aft gun port linings before I can install the poop deck.

I then hope to be in a position to start work on the galleries in the new year.

Glenn (UK)


Quick update of recent progress.

Spent some time painting and fitting the figurehead. I quite enjoyed undertaking the fine painting task.




Catheads have also been fitted.



Finally I have installed the poop deck. A bit of cleaning up on the quaterdeck is now required.








Glenn (UK)


Hello Glenn...

Real nice job on the painting.  You know, that's something I thought I'd hate but it turned out to be very enjoyable.  Your build looks excellent and pretty soon you'll be doing some more deck planking.  have a great evening..




Hello Glenn

Really moving on now, plenty of work around the poop deck area to do. I would have a look at the buckets. After I made a pigs ear on mine I thought it might be an idea to fit the buckets onto a strip and then fit the loaded strip in position, instead of fitting the hooks and hanging the buckets individually, if you follow. It's a crap job. Well done so far. Less haste DAVID


Hello Glenn..

Yep, I agree with David; I think he has a terrific idea with the fire buckets.  Of course you could get fancy and put the ship's logo on each one.  I didn't.



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