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Hi everyone!


I want to suggest an article about one of the ways to build hulls of shipmodels. Link to article http://sailmodel.ho.ua/present/pres_e.htm


Unfortunately I was not able to put the article here in the forum with the correct formatting of the document. I would be grateful if someone can help me. I will also be thankful for comments and corrections of errors in the text.





Its basically still POB by design...I dont see anything new here...just my opinion.  Beautiful models but its no different than any kit that uses POB construction with several layers of planking....built upside down on a building board.


Unless I am missing something.  :)


If someone can explain what I am missing I would appreciate it.  I would be more than happy to post this as a pdf but I feel more explanation and description is needed.  


If I am looking at correctly.  You just take many bulkheads and plank with with one, two or three layers of under planking,  then apply the finish planking.   Remove the interior bulkheads or part of the bulkhead extensions afterwards so you have a stiff shell.   This could effectively be done with any POB kit should the bulkhead dimensions be reduced to compensate for the thickness of under planking.   It could be done updside down or right side up...no difference.  Is this what it describes?  Seems like a lot of work to plank a hull so many times.  But again I may be missing something here.


What I would love to see Igor is some of these folks maybe starting a build log here so everyone could follow the process more closely.   Its hard from just a few photos and text.  Is there anyway to get that to happen?




This looks like a neat variation - while it could be viewed as POB, it actually appears to use the bulkheads installed somewhat like the Hahn POF approach, with a keel, stem and stern attached more in line with actual ship building rather than as part of a centerline former for the bulkheads.  Reminds me in some ways of the "plug" method of building smaller boats, although in this case the plug is kept not replaced with frames.


Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.




Yes, nice beautifully built models, but nothing really new. It seems the construction methods are just variations on old riffs.



Thank you for your interest in my article. I see that it does not leave you indifferent.


I do not claim the invention. This is a classic POF but I wanted to focus on the features:


1. Frames not installed on a relatively soft keel frame but on a hard plank. This prevents any deformation during planking.

2.The base consists of two layers instead of just one which overlapped. This increases the rigidity and stability of the hull.

3.Thick frames allow you to use a stapler gun for attaching planks. It is very comfortable and fast running.




What I see here, is the sheer size of the materials being used. The thickness of the hull  appears more in keeping with dimensional framing or admiralty work. The removal of material from the bulkheads can be more easily done beforehand and planned around with the bulkheads being more robust. What a great application for using Ash or Hard Maple...hmmm.

Sanding, well I can see that this approach is more suited for the cabinet shop than in the shipyard in my living room.

I think there is enough difference in application to warrant a category of it's own, if there's enough interest here.  It's definitely a hybrid between POB and POF.

That's my $0.02  ;)


Warm Regards,



Passion is Patience...and I am a carpenter in any scale.



Current build;  Endurance - 1:70 scale, Occre


Current build;    H.M.S. Surprise - 1796, 1:48 A L





For me it's just how you want to spend your time. I would rather spend my time on working on what will be seen. And not so much on the jigs to build the model.I only wish that I could paint to the level on the Flemish Galleon shown.


I agree with Chuck,it's only a variation on POB. And another layer of planking and using staples.I would think that the time spent to remove the staples carefully might outweigh there savings in time if any. It all goes into the catagory of just how you prefer to build.


Being a Tool and Diemaker,I go about building different  I would expect than a Cabinet Maker would. But I look at what it ends up being as the real fruit of your effort.


I realy like to see how others do their builds,and learn a lot in very one I see. And try to use what I see to further my building skills.



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