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HMS Bellisle

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Everything posted by HMS Bellisle

  1. I have a feeling that the individual contributors to such journals keep the copyright of their articles, unless they specifically agree for it to pass to the publication owners,
  2. sorry to hear that hope things begin to improve for you soon
  3. Plans are to finishWivern by June 11th are things running to schedule for completion of hms wivern by the day after tomorrow, 11th june, 2019?
  4. it is now a race against time, and lots of modellers will be looking forward to seeing both boats finished, in spite of all the delays and setbacks!
  5. you could call it a barque or you could call it a schooner - but as it is neither one nor the other it comes into the class of "jackass barque"! 😀
  6. have run out of ideas - not even convinced that in the image sails are set from them, although when I first saw it, I thought they were - but on looking closely - they could be large flags - but must stress that I have really no idea -
  7. how about jackyards if not monkey gaffs?
  8. monkey gaffs for flying flags from
  9. how about this : https://amatimodel.com/kids-kits-building-the-s-ta-maria-first-step-all-the-builds-logs/
  10. Leon didnt have one as far as I know, but here is one anyway https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=brig+chance+aground&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=bkQAYtEFtyIJAM%3A%2C7UfnwakDRZjnHM%2C_&usg=__JKWbpxW35qE7RO4XWyxNPjJJJKM%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjf5dq-i5XcAhWsI8AKHddGAHsQ9QEIMDAB#imgrc=bkQAYtEFtyIJAM:
  11. The sailing ship at the Falkands was the Norwegian full rigged ship Spangereid that was originally the British ship Fairport! Enter "sailing ship spangereid" in Google search and you will find images of it as Fairport and also as Spangereid.
  12. http://blog.twmuseums.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/B9567gEuterpecompass1.jpg Is it here (Different ship)
  13. hello - is the bottled shipbuilder site still around? - can't access it - a while since i looked! !
  14. It was that colour - black, white, red! glad i dont have that sort of patience though
  15. you are quite right Cog . but i was hoping to learn something from a skilled model ship constructor , but i am to old and impatient . i am now cutting down on my internet use and, as you say, going to do something else
  16. now in its 4th year of build, I am wondering how long this will take to complete? with almost 14,000 views it would appear to be a vey popular build but the progress seems to be minimal -
  17. A very ambitious project when time is at a premium and the problem with builds spreading over many years is that the skills of the builder will most certainly change either for the better or the worse over extended periods. Is there actually any approximate completion date being aimed for - or is it a 'lifetime project?'
  18. Piet - do you really mean 1:3000 or 1:300? 1:3000 would be 250 feet to 1 inch!
  19. there are fully detailed plans of jarvis brace winches in the "anatomy of a ship book" the four-masted barque Lawhill, by captain kenneth edwards, roderick anderson and richard cookson! incredibly detailed even to the number of teeth on the gears!
  20. Why not just put a thin pin vice (holding the fine drill) in the big drill press?
  21. Yes, the National Maritime Museum has them, but they want a huge sum for copies (in excess of £100!).
  22. I am in a minority I find the Aubrey novels extremely boring and have never even completed one! Like Drinkwater though!
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