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Posts posted by Laxet

  1. I'm looking at the lashing of the jib boom & flying jib. The plans call out .006" line (kit comes with .008"). I tried some test wraps & the stuff seems so small. It looks like it could take 20 or more wraps to make a seizing. Is this right or did you guys use larger line?


    Speaking of line, I just discovered today (after 16 years) that I received two .008" spools of black line & no .028" spools. Earlier on (a couple of months ago) I found that I had 102 belaying pins instead of 120 & an extra package of 1/8" single blocks. I guess I did a lousy job of inventorying everything when I got it. So far, Model Expo has been great at replacing everything without question. Today I also asked for another two sets of quarter boat lifts. I attempted to carve mine probably at least 10 years ago when I knew absolutely nothing about what I was doing. Today, thanks to this group, I have an inkling about what's going on. Thanks to all for the clue.

  2. If I am reading your problem correctly, then your analog calipers are actually right on. The 10mm mark cannot line up at the same time as the 1mm mark. As you slide them open, whichever line lines up is your actual measurement. That is how you get your increments between mm's. If the ten lined up then it would be a whole mm longer than when the 1mm mark lines up. Of course if I read your concern wrong, then never mind.


    In any case, I doubt (& please don't take this the wrong way) that you are good enough to work with 1/64" tolerances. I know I'm barely good enough to use 1/32" tolerances, & then only some times.


    Don't forget, also, that as you go around the curvature of the hull, the planks will separate slightly at the top, unless you trim the edges of every plank. It's just not that critical in my mind.

  3. I bought a set of fairly inexpensive digital calipers from Model Expo. Eventually I discovered the sloppiness you describe. In the electronics field, we call it hysteresis. It is an inability to achieve the same reading when moving the dial in different directions. I still found the calipers adequate for this work. The planking width is not so critical. You could plank with 1/8" planks if you want. It will all sort itself out at the end. The sizes they recommend are just the scale sizes based on the period. He even says somewhere in the book you can vary the sizeof the planks.

  4. Thanks Bill & Russ. Russ, the method you suggest sounds like what I have used in the past for mast wooldings. Bill, I actually knew this method, but it didn't look like anybody used it on their Niagaras. I guess I should go back & have a closer look. Did you seize the gammoning separately on each side or wrap it between the bowsprit & the stem? Hope that is a clear question.


    Also, how about the jib boom? Is it done the same way or some way different?

  5. Holy moly! What a frustrating two days. I installed the armament. I think I bent 75% of all the eyebolts I tried to install. I even dropped one down into the nether world of the bilges. I didn't realize just how fat my fingers were until I tried this little joyous task. It's done. It's obvious I'll never be a master shipbuilder.


    I think the ropes are still a little too long, but I'm not making them a third time. Only you guys & I will ever know the difference. (SHH, don't tell anyone).







  6. Also finished rebuilding the bowsprit bitts. Seems I spend half my time rebuilding stuff. It's starting to irritate me.


    I even got the rudder painted today. I will mount it tomorrow. I think I'm about ready to mount her on the pedestal, unless anybody can give me a good reason not to do it yet. This is the kind of thing that experience helps with, & why I do so much rework. There is probably a really good reason not to mount it yet, but I haven't the foresight to know why. It just seems it will be easier to do the rest of the work with it held fast.

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