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Everything posted by *Hans*

  1. It worked out very well, and is in fact not even that hard to do (or so it seems....)
  2. David, I'd like to make a small comment: the wood for the masts is beech wood 🙂 Hope you don't mind me saying this.
  3. Not only the sails look like sails. The whole model looks like as if its real and life size!
  4. You might have noticed the bulwarks are pretty solid now, after you have glued the ribs in place. 🙂
  5. Ab, Thank you for your positive comments on the new Kolderstok model 🙂 Much appreciated!
  6. Haha 😋 - I was around 20 years old then. Eyes were good (and still are - I don't need glasses or a loupe or whatsoever...). But my skills were not yet that good in those days.
  7. My experience when I build a model is that it's always having a "good" and a "bad" side. But looking at the models I build some 40 years ago (like the Norske Löwe from Billing Boats) I don't see a good or bad side anymore. 🙂
  8. Tip for a "natural" dark look with walnut: Take half a jam jar with vinegar (6 or 7 fl. oz. or so), dissolve a tuft (one inch size) of steel wool in it (this can take a few days) and spread this mixture on the walnut. This will immediately darken the wood. Of course this does not work on varnished wood, and try first on some rest wood.
  9. Planks are sometimes a little bit wider than the 4 or 6 mm it should be. Then these differences can occur.
  10. I know, and it is a little flaw in the instructions which I will "fix" when I am going to re-write them. Unfortunately a day has only 24 hours, and they still haven't introduced the 8-day week over here 🤥
  11. David, thank you for your nice introduction. Sure I'm going to follow your log, and if there are any questions, please ask! Hans
  12. Hello Mr. Hoving, Ab, I am very pleased by the small pleasure yacht you have build the last year. In one of your earlier post you offered pdf's or dxf files of this yacht. I am very interested in these 🙂 I will send you a PM for more information. Best regards, Hans
  13. Good Idea btw to use a blender for this (but I suppose your wife did not know about this :-). But you have to clean your blender thoroughly, otherwise you'll end up with smoothies fortified with pieces of wood. I don't know if that is healthy!
  14. Bought at the fish market two blocks away? Haha - serious fun, and a nice crane!
  15. Haha, I really do like this "squid". And nice paint work as well!
  16. Tecko, thank you for all the likes in my topic Batavia! :-)
  17. I do not only hit the like button as many times as possible because this is a nice topic, but also really like all the electrics you are doing! It's a bit like electrickery (with copyrights on this for Catweazle)
  18. Something that might be of interest to tell: Oak was never used for decks, because it becomes very slippery when wet. Pine etc. doesn't get slippery when wet. Therefore decks on model ships are always done in light wood.
  19. You can buy brass needles (I think these are from Prym) which are 0,3 or 0,4 mm thick. But I am not sure if they will be visible in the walnut.
  20. Tip - a very simple but effective way to do this is to use a black marker - with same effect
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