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Posts posted by schiffebastler

  1. Hi laps,


    unfortunately, I don't know exactly, how it is fixed. But it does not exactly look like a gaff, it is a sort of a metal fitting, fixed to the pole in front of the mast. Here I have a picture, how most of the modern metal vessels fix the gaff route.

    Also the german Gorch Fock has this sort of fitting.





    Do you add sails on your model?


    Regards, Joachim



  2. Hi Michael,


    does your question concern the box? Usually I would take the round turn with two half hitches. This is a very universal knot which I also use often on the sailing boat. It is a knot which is used for everything that has to be fixed to thin rods, rings, ...

    But of course, the buntline hitch could also be used in this case.


    Concerning the rigging, you could have a look on this build log in a german forum. Although the declarations are in German language, there are included many pictures and give a lot of good hints, maybe some of them help you.




    Regards, Joachim

  3. Hello fabius,


    actually I have got only few time, therefore it takes a bit... And in one week we will go for a sailing trip to croatia. But before, on sunday, my daughter has her birthday and of course, this is always an important day....


    Neverthelesse, with your help I could sort out most of the ropes, thank you very much!

    Now, there are a few words remaining... may I ask you again, if you could give me a translation?

    This would be great!


    the words I am missing are:

    strangolacani, cappello, drizza, mure, imbrogli, mustacci, ostini


    Many thanks in forehand.


    Regards, Joachim

  4. Hi fabius,


    thank you very much for the help!

    I think, the main problem, translating the italien words is, that I miss the basics of how words are build, what is singular and plural....

    Becouse of this, I cannot find the words in my dictionary.....


    Your idea with the pictures is excellent, and therefore everything is clearly to understand.


    Now, together with your other informations, I am able to identify many ropes!


    Thanks, Joachim

  5. Thank you @fabius and the link to the italian navy school is great.


    And @Gary maybe the following link to the rigging of a few vessels of the 20th century could be interesting for you. At least it ist an interesting site.





    Regards, Joachim

  6. First of all, Thank you all very much for the many birthday greetings, I was very happy about that!

    And thanks a lot for your interest in my build, it is great to be a member of this fine group of excellent model builders.


    And I can tell you, it was a wonderful birthday, beginning with two excellent drawings of my children (of course sailing ships, ... but from where do they know.... :D )

    and in the evening, together with my wife, I was on a "Meat Loaf" concert in Stuttgart, his final tour... twenty years ago, a Meat Loaf Concert was the first concert I have been with my wife, now again...

    it was really a great evening, three hours the best of Meat Loaf, sometimes touching, and he gave his best on stage!



    Now I am looking forward to start into the next step of building the rigg of the Amerigo.

    I am very delighted, that you, @fabius, support me, translating the italien terms, thank you!

    First, I will put in my plan all I know and sort out the most difficult words. May I ask you then again for some translations?



    @Gary, of course, you can get a copy of my plan. As far as I saw now, the principles of the rigg and ropes are the same since a long time. Also the Amerigo has the same types of ropes than your Soleil, especially due to the fact, that the Amerigo was build and rigged in the style of the earlier frigates. Will be also interesting for me, to see, how you will rigg your wonderful model.



    Best regards, Joachim

  7. Hello,

    actually, I startet to update the plans of the rigging. I would like to show the model with full sails. These sails I bought many years ago and together with them there was delivered a plan, how to rig and place the additional ropes, which are necessary for the sails. The main plan does not include these ropes on the plan.

    Now I tried to do this and spent a lot of hours for updating the plan. But I did not succeed yet! 
    One problem is, the additional plan for the sail-based ropes ist too poor and it does not fit to the main plan. Also, the photos from the original rigg sometimes tell another story and give a lot of questions!

    Years ago, I bought another set of plans from Franco Gay. I got them from the italien marine. These plans seems that they could be much more accurate, the amout of ropes, the use and positioning of them. But the plans are written in italien language and I do not understand any words! And it makes it not easier, that Franco Gay wrote the descriptions in his plans by hand.

    Now I thought, I could use the internet translators, to get the names of the ropes... I used different programs, but the result was something between nothing and trash! Then I thought, I could compare the plans and the pictures and figure out, which is which rope....
    but I succeeded only for a few ropes...

    Now the result for this disappointing week: spent lot of time for nothing, the result is nothing ....

    For the moment I have thrown the whole rubbish in a corner, until I find a solution for the italien translation....


    Maybe somebody knows, how to translate it and can help me?

    I think, I will complete now the remaining four boats...

    Regards, Joachim

  8. Hi,


    once the rifle rack has always been empty, it has now become some parts.

    First of all the parts of course will be some rifles, on the upper part of the rack there are placed some lamps (made of 2mm acrylic glass), at one side of the rack is put a saber and on the other side a sort of a trumpet.

    (after looking to the pictures on the computer, I detected, that the rifles have to be aligned a bit better, difficult to see only with eyes, due to the small parts...)












    And when I'm at it, I made some general pictures of the Amerigo, because now nearly every part is placed on the deck.













    Regards, Joachim


  9. And again some parts which are not part of the kit, like most of all the parts I showed here. But the Amerigo contains them, so the have to be added.


    First some container for ropes ...





    then some bollards for the rear part of the ship ...





    and now a sort of a search game, in order to find them on the model :D





    Regards, Joachim

  10. Hello,


    today some small parts for the davits. Later it will be a problem to fix them, so I do it now. Each davit gets a deflection for the rope, a clamp and a holder for the ropes.


    On this picture you can see the test parts.





    And now the different small parts. All the nets took a long time to produce because of the small ropes which had to be weaved in.

    But the nets can not be fixed until the ratlines are ready.





    And now a picture which shows the details on the model. I am always a bit disappointed, whenever I see the inaccurate parts in the macro pictures - not really to see with the eyes, but now I know them ...






    And Peter (@laps), to your question concerning the doors, obviously there exists also a door at the front of the starboard side of the ship. In the meantime, I found also other pictures which confirm this.



    Regards, Joachim


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