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Posts posted by Paul0367

  1. pilidk, where did you get the copper plates from to match the scale as I intend on having her look she does in dry dock. Tinyelle if you using the pliers that snip the plank to enable the bend, be careful, too deep on the light wood and you can sand into the compressed wood and it will show a line, I have sanded and have 4 visible near the bow. Oh if you were to use the Vaneer sheets how on earth are they to follow the contours of the hull. I did a dry fit to get the look but they want to buckle to conform to the curves. PLANKING is slow, very slow, two an evening if I'm lucky, due to clamping the first. Oh just a helper, I started using a tiny drill bit and drilling the plank then using the kit brass tacks and putting then 3/4 through, this works fine if a pin head doesn't come off but I later snapped my ideal drill bit and started using the plastic headed drawing pins and they are far easier to use.

  2. Looking good, I'm, time wise quite far ahead of you as the planking of the hull eats time for fun. I have at this point decided to colour my model as she sits in Portsmouth and have the cannons as per real ones and not pretty brass. This decision was made and helped along by the wood grain / colour, the wood is, well wood, and the grain and colour differ from strip to strip as one would expect. I struggled to get enough planks what I would call suitable to sit side by side to be varnished to match box art but that said when I went for this Beautiful ship the colour was also part of the look. I don't take well to painting wood as wood is lovely natural look. What is your intension regards finishing, varnish or paint


  3. Im not sure what you mean re steps but there is another 2 sets to be made which go up to the poop deck above the captains quarters, as for caulking I used pencil around the edge of every plank and the finished look is great. I put images on but being new I put them in finished models section. Whoops sorry admin, we need to email to prevent cluttering your log

  4. http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k295/Paul0367/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-05/PICT_20140504_003204_zpsakqlhqq_edit_1399209339495_zpsmmyuvihn.jpg


    I'm not sure regards the posting of images on this forum so here goes. Please note the error made on the constructo kit, the grates or grilles as some call them should be the same as those on the top deck, the main parts, meaning the solid as viewed from above should run fore to aft but for some reason the lower deck runs from port to starboard, why, not sure but I found this info after I installed them. Hope the image posts ok

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