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About CPT_D

  • Birthday 05/26/1972

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  • Location
    North Georgia
  • Interests
    Wheeling in my Jeep, Woodworking

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  1. I would actually try to continue with the Syren kit but sadly I don't have it, or any of the kits, anymore. Should I just buy another Syren?
  2. As happens far too often (I'm sure) I completely failed at building my first ship. I could make all kinds of excuses but in the end, it was me simply jumping into the deep end too fast. With that out of the way, I want to try it again but this time I think I'm going to go in a little slower. I want a smaller ship that I can buy a full codex for that's on a beginner level. I want to do my own planking (it's what really draws me to this hobby) so that has to be part of the ship. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, SD
  3. Just curious to see if anyone has seen the TV commercial about building the Sovereign of the seas. Apparently, the kit is sent in parts (monthly) for the hobbies to complete. The catch is that the kit costs $99.99 a month for 12 months. Is anyone doing this, or know anything about it? In one way I think it's kind of cool, in that, it will bring more people to the hobby. On the flip side, I wonder how many people will start this kit and never finish it?
  4. Sal, where did you get these red sanding blocks?
  5. I agree completely, I would never buy from a bootlegger like them. It's a shame though because it looked like a really nice model. I would love to see a kit like this from a reputable vender.
  6. I came across this kit on eBay and was wondering if anyone had any experience/knowledge of the kit. The kit is for the La Salamander 1752, and it looks like the manufacturer of the kit is CFSHIPMODEL. Looks like a very cool kit (although very expensive).
  7. Thanks everyone, if nothing else you all saved me some $$$. Once I get to the rigging portion of my build I will likely determine at that time if I want/need a ropewalk at that time. The Admiral told me that once I finished this kit and decide to do another, she would buy me Byrnes table saw. I guess I could ad a ropewalk to that... I'm sure she won't mind... Additionally, I am buying a serving machine as I completely understand the need for it.
  8. I'm really new to the hobby and just in the first stages or my model (Syren) and I have been getting the specialized tools needed for the hobby. I have noticed that several people on the site say that they have and use a ropewalk; but what's the point? The kit I have looks like it has nice "rope" (string) so why would I need a ropewalk?
  9. I'm going to order the Domanoff serving machine and I'm not sure if I should go with the powered or non-powered unit. I know lots of people have these machines and I would really like to know if the power is needed or not. Also if you have the non-powered version; do you wish you got the powered one (and vice versa)?
  10. Ship looks fantastic, I'm pulling up a seat.
  11. After some testing I found that medium hardness graphite worked fine. My first shot at planking. Once I got it all glued together, I sanded it with 400 the stain it with a 2:1 mix of natural to golden oak. I like the color. After seeing the piece up close in the photo, it loos like I need to sand it a little more. How do you go about sanding after it is stained and still keep the color?
  12. So I started to do a test planking for the lower deck. I bought some graphite in multiple degrees of softness hoping that it would work. The issue with the graphite is that, after i apply it to the sides, the dust from the graphite gets everywhere and makes the actual planks look dirty an smudged. Any alternate ideas would be appreciated.
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