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Everything posted by Ensign

  1. Hello Rich, you can make flags for the Flag Lockers. I bought several sheets of coloured paper from the news agent, a pound shop may also have them. Then cut small rectangles of different colours small enough to roll up and fit in the lockers, voila, flags for the Flag Lockers. Kind regards Gary
  2. Hello Grant, I still refer to your log on occasions, your innovative ideas are a source of inspiration as are a few other build logs on this site. The forum is a great resource and we are lucky to have it. Regards Gary
  3. Hello Kevin, I have drawn up the template for Ratline spacing and found info on the cleats provided by BE in Grant Dale's Mamoli Victory log, so that will be a big help. From memory it is post 673 in Grant's log, if that's any help to you. Regards Gary
  4. I am at the point of fitting the Ratlines and have a question regarding the Shroud Cleats. I plan on fitting these to the lower shrouds prior to doing the Ratlines, but the information I have is sketchy. Longridge states they are fitted to the Fore and Mizzen lower shrouds and gives a size range form 18" to 8". The photos I have of Victory were taken in 1991 and don't show any Cleats on the Fore lower shrouds only on the Mizzen. If anyone could provide more detail or photos it would be much appreciated. Thanks Gary
  5. Thank you Heinz, Mort & Seventy Net for the likes and kind words, much appreciated. Gary
  6. A short update. The masts are now fitted and the rigging underway. I have decided to work from the Mizzen mast forwards fitting lower shrouds then stays followed by topmast shrouds and stays etc. this way I hope to minimise any difficulties attaching the various lines to the deck. A point of interest to others building this model, the Caldercraft instructions call for the Mainstay collar to pass between the Bowsprit and Knightheads before passing through the hole in the stem. This is a simplification and requires that the Knightheads be positioned a few millimetres away from the Bowsprit. In point of fact, reference to Longridge and photos of the ship show the Knightheads hard up against the Bowsprit with the Mainstay collar in fact passing through a hole drilled through the Knightheads on either side. I have followed Longridge and ship photos in this and assure you it can be done. I have attached photos of the current state of the build and close inspection of the Knightheads will hopefully illustrate my point. I used BE's method of making Catharpins, his "cheat" method on his Pegasus build, and it works a treat. Gary
  7. Hello Rich, If you mean doors to the entry openings as shown in your photo, there is nothing supplied in the kit and no mention of them in the instructions. I simply cut and fitted two pieces of walnut sheet and gluing them at right angles to the openings on each side, simulating an open door. Hope this helps. Gary
  8. Hello Kevin, I chose not to use Gil's method of attaching netting at the bow, it seemed too complicated, instead I simply attached a rail front to back and glued the netting to the rail and to the timber work at the bottom. The attached photo shows what I mean. Just some food for thought. Gary
  9. Thanks Paul, yes, this information is very useful. I had decided that it made sense to serve the foremost shrouds on all except the Topgallant and your info supports this. Much appreciated, thank you. Regards Gary
  10. Thanks John, I shall check them out. Did you see my last post about serving shrouds? Gary
  11. I have a question. I would like to know if the foremost shrouds on all masts ie: Topmasts and Topgallant are served, this is done on the Fore and Main and from photos It seems to also be done on the Mizzen lower shrouds, however I can not find a definitive answer to this question either from photos, Longridge, Steel or Biddlecombe. I am at the point of fitting shrouds to the Mizzen Topmast and would really like this resolved before proceeding. Thanks Gary
  12. I think I have found a method of rigging Shrouds and Stays which does not cause interference when putting on the snaking to the Main and Fore mast stays. I plan to rig the Mizzen shrouds and stays first then move on to the Main mast shrouds and stays and finally the Fore mast shrouds and stays. Any constructive criticism is welcome. The yards are completed with their rigging and ready to be fitted at the appropriate time. More photos to follow later.
  13. Thanks Kevin & Nils, A good suggestion Kevin, worth looking into. Gary
  14. Sorry everyone, a senior moment. I just answered my own question by referring to Longridge, of course, the stays go over the shrouds. Oh well! Gary
  15. I have a question, the next step in rigging Victory should be the shrouds according to the instructions, after doing the Tackle Pendants. It appears to me that it might better to rig the stays at this point especially since the main stay and preventer stay are to have snaking applied, it would seem that the shrouds would interfere with this procedure. Can anyone offer an opinion on this? Gary
  16. Hello Paul, Thank you for the compliment, Yes, I have also replaced the blocks with ones the same as you have, I bought them at "Float A Boat" the shop I mentioned in my last post. It is the Thimbles/Bullseyes that I needed which don't seem to be available commercially, that's why I am drilling out deadeyes to create a round doughnut shape to be used in lashing various lines to pull them tight. I must confess I haven't updated as often or included as much detail as I probably could, I shall take some more photos soon. Regards Gary
  17. Hello Heinz, Thank you for the compliment, although my work is nowhere near the quality of yours. One can see why you have chosen a natural finish over a painted one, it would be a shame to hide that precise craftsmanship. Best regards Gary
  18. Thanks Kevin, great minds think alike, that's just what I have started doing. They look much better than the ones I turned up on the lathe. Now I'm off to buy more dead eyes in a couple of different sizes, lucky for me a great model ship supplier called Float A Boat is just 10 minutes away. Your build is coming along nicely, seems the break did you good. Gary
  19. I am just starting on the rigging and I have a question. In Gil Middleton's excellent build log he uses some very good Thimbles/Bullseyes to lash various lines together as per prototype shown in Longridge's book "The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships". I would like to know where he got these from. I sent a PM to Gil but it bounced back with the message that he can longer receive messages. I have tried turning up some on the lathe but they aren't anywhere as good. Gil if you or anyone else can help it would be much appreciated. Thanks Gary
  20. Hi Mike, Thanks for the advice, I have an enquiry from a person who has offered around $300AUD, and he seems to be a genuine modeller not just a bargain hunter looking to resell, so I may go with that. I would rather see it go to someone who will do something with it. Regards Gary (Ensign)
  21. I have listed my Victory model kit on EBay, I have opened the box and assembled the keel but no other work has been done. I bought the kit about three years ago and then had the good fortune to be able to purchase the Caldercraft Victory therefore I have no need of the Mamoli model. The model has been listed at $500 AUD but has not attracted any bids, I paid $580 when I bought it. I have seen two kits with a retail price of $795AUD recently so thought the asking price was fair, however it has been suggested that the kit, having been opened is not worth the price I am asking and should be more like $300 AUD. I have never listed on EBay before so any advice would be much appreciated. Am I asking too much?
  22. Hi Rich, The problem with Tuille, as I think you know, is that it is not a diamond shape. It is very flexible which is good but If the material you bought is not flexible enough you will have trouble with the Hammock cranes as it must form a U shape in order to cover both sides of the Hammock cranes. If what you have is not satisfactory and you can't find any Mosquito netting PM me with your address and I shall send you some. Gary
  23. Just a quick update, the rudder is in place and the Hammock netting is done, now on to the challenges of masts and spars.
  24. Hello Dominic, The upper wale on my Victory is also about 2mm above the gun ports amidships, like Kevin I also used photos that I took on a visit to the old lady as reference. Hope this helps Gary
  25. Thank you all for the comments and likes, keeps one going when some of those repetitive tasks get a little tedious. Gary
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