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About jpeghiny

  • Birthday August 25

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  • Location
    New Harbor, Maine, USA
  • Interests
    Jazz, Bluegrass, Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, Ukulele, Pedal Steel, and oh yes, model ships.

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  1. Hello Alfons, I'm back after a year and a half vacation from model shipbuilding! We packed up and moved in June of 2014 and my Smuggler is still packed away in a box. I would like to take her out and get going once the weather gets a little colder and the days a little shorter... Your Smuggler looks terrific! Keep up and good work. Jamie
  2. Robert, Mars looks great. I love the natural wood look and my next model will be done in this fashion. Jamie
  3. Alfons, I too have sold my house and am in the process of moving. Best of luck to you and we'll catch up sometime in the winter! Jamie
  4. Hi Folks, I haven't logged on for quite and while and wanted you all to know what's going on. My wife Sandi and I have decided to sell out house and move to Maine. We sold the house in late April and have bought a house in New Harbor Maine. We'll be moving out of here on June 19 th but won't be able to move in until August 9th or so. So, we'll be living in our camper trailer for 7 weeks going to music festivals around New England and visiting friends. My work on Smuggler came to a screeching halt back in March when we decided to sell the house. Everything is all packed up in boxes ready to be moved. I probably won't get back around to it until the winter. So, so long for now, and I'll be checking in once in a while over the summer. Jamie
  5. Rusty, Thanks for starting up your build log again. This is a great looking boat! Jamie
  6. Jim, This is looking really good. I'd love to attend one these workshops sometime. Jamie
  7. Thanks for bringing back the "Goddess of Gloucester". She's looking fine!
  8. Hi Folks, Last year I purchased a pair of brass pedestals for my Smuggler project. They were turned on a lathe at the factory but the surface was very rough so I decided to polish them on my mini metal lathe. I tried three setups, two of which turned out to be unsafe, so I've decided to share my experience. The first setup was the most unsafe. The three jaw chuck has it's jaws protruding slightly. Also, the live center isn't touching the workpiece so it could come off the machine and fly around the room I immediately got whacked in the middle finger on my left hand right on the tip of my finger. If that wasn't bad enough, I play guitar and bass all the time and my fingers are sore anyway. Thankfully, there was no blood or broken bone. The second setup was better but still not perfect. I was still using the three jaw chuck, but reversed the jaws so they didn't protrude as much. Also, I used a piece of threaded rod to secure the workpiece. The third setup is the best. I used the threaded rod as in setup #2 and used a jacobs chuck which is much smaller. The bottom line is: think through your setup, turn the machine over manually before turning it on to identify any dangers, run it on the slowest speed the first time. In the end, my pedestals look great, but I could have injured myself in the process. Be careful with your power tools! Jamie
  9. Russ, She looks great! Thanks for all your help and encouragement with Smuggler. I'm back up and running again. Jamie
  10. So those are my pictues so far. I have separated out some of my photographs highlighting specific methods of fabricating parts. I will post those as separate tutorials in the appropriate section of the forum pretty soon. Until then, I hope you enjoy the photos and can get something from them. If you have any questions about any of my work please contact me and I will help you in whatever way I can. Jamie
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