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  1. Thank you very much. I just ordered HMS Fly. Your work descriptions are an invaluable aide! At present I am finishing HMS Pickle and have relied on your project description extensively. Please keep up the good work ! All the best.
  2. Well Mayflower has been restored and is going back to its owner. All in all an interesting and fun project. The model was built by someone who knew a lot about how a sailing ship's rigging worked. My guess is that it was made for perhaps a child as a way to learn. I also believe that the model would actually float and sail. Sort of a square rigged pond yacht. Fun!
  3. Here is a view of the stern, I think the little house needs to go as well as the quarter badges. Then I will add some elevation to the stern to get that seventeenth century castle look.
  4. A friend of mine asked me to fix the rigging on his Mayflower model. I am going to do this as well as correct and/or rebuild parts of the model. Any input to this process would be greatly appreciated. Looking the model over, it appears to be a pond sail boat with a few likenesses to the Mayflower. No idea how old the model is or if I am correct. The owner received it as a gift and it there fore has a lot of attachment. Before I dive in I would be especially interested in any cautions such as the model is priceless the way it is don't touch, etc. looks like all of the blocks are hand made. At any rate any input or advice would be much appreciated.
  5. To go are anchors , some rigging corrections, display base. Then back to HMS Pickle. Also the rudder.
  6. Ships boats. One more to go . It will nest inside the smaller boat
  7. Making progress on the Main . The problem has been that I did not plan the belaying pins correctly and find very little space to work. Made the channels too thick and placed the pins too close to the bulkhead. It's a challenge but a good learning point for the next model!
  8. As I indicated in prior posts, I modified the mizzen to include a top sail and a top gallant. When finished they just did not look right. A little small yielding too much space between the bottom of the sail and the yard below. So off they came. This is the revised set up. I think it looks better. Can't get these darn photos to land correctly . I need to work on this! Yup the lakes are pretty frozen. Great shipbuilding weather!
  9. Photos want to upload upside down, any idea how to fix this?
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