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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Very well done Alan! And the helmet came out well, looks well worn.
  2. But they taste better than they look 😋
  3. Be very gentle with the green stick ! I would leave the collar as is if it's that fragile. It will okay if it's a tad tarnished
  4. Like the color on the figure Alan, looks real good 👍 helmet looks nice and shiny also
  5. Alan, if you don’t have one of these WeCheer micro engravers (misnamed IMO) I highly recommend them. The take all the standard Dremel bit, get into tight places, portable, cordless and will stall if you apply too much pressure. I have two, one corded and one cordless (shown in link). You can use the cotton Dremel bits to do light buffing.
  6. This is the green stick honing compound I use. Along with my stropping pad. As an aside, you can use this stopping pad to rehone, resharpen, your Exacto knife blades. Stropping pad By the way the stick will last several lifetimes. I inherited it from a fellow woodcarver when he passed. Here's a couple links Strop pad and Small green stick
  7. Take some jewelers rouge on a Q-tip, try polishing it with that, it's a little grittier than silver polish. Finish it with silver polish. Another trick if you have a woodcarver friend, ask for a small chunk of their green stropping wax. Rub the Q-tip over the wax to load it up, then rub the helmet. I use the green wax on a piece of leather to get a very sharp edge on my knives, woodcarving as well as pocket knives.
  8. Is this the headless handless apparition that tormented ole Ichabod every night in Sleepy Hollow? Certainly his attire is appropriate to the time. Interesting figure! Will be interested in seeing how you paint it.
  9. Yea, here in the Hudson Valley it is hot, humid, rainy, etc. In fact the air is so thick you can cut it with a knife, quite literally As I type it is 90 F
  10. Amazing workmanship Michael.
  11. Nice recovery ! Yes Life Color paints work well even brushed on by hand. I did my 1:350 Navy ships using Life Color paints
  12. Outstanding! Me thinks this is not your first rodeo ! He belongs in the MET ! Early Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳
  13. Looking appropriately foreboding! Nice work on face. Sorry about Covid, I've had it twice since being vaccinated and boosted. 😠
  14. Hmm ! Over a year now since my last post! I'm still here, model too, just got bored with it and decided to try some plastic kits as a change of pace. As MacArthur said at Corregidor "I shall return!"
  15. Welcome ! It's been pretty wet over here in the Colonies also.
  16. Ahem! Don't you mean pushes a button while carrying a RFID chip fob in their pocket! 😉😉😊😇 All we do now is wave our hand and the doors unlock or the trunk lid/tailgate opens magically. 🤔 Open Sesame !!
  17. A bit of medical research history: (from Roswell Park Cancer Center website) "1938 Morton Levin, MD, begins collecting information about the smoking habits of Roswell Park patients. The data will later provide the foundation for his report "Cancer and Tobacco Smoking," published in 1950 in The Journal of the American Medical Association. The report is among the first to sound the alarm about the link between smoking and lung cancer". Note the dates !
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