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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Very well done Alan! Diorama looks great, as do figures. As to getting a new camera and lights that may not be necessary. All you may need are a few adjustments to the camera, like take it off of Auto mode. What are you presently using? My other hobby is Photography
  2. Got in one at dealership, didn’t even bother to put key in ignition, got right back out. Too claustrophobic! Good side is if you're in a fatal car accident, you won't need the added expense of a casket. Just load the car on a flatbed, drive to Cemetery, dig a hole and drop you and car in, place a headstone that reads "Here lies Joe and his Smart Car"
  3. 1912 Etrich Taube flying at Olde Rhinebeck Aerodrome this past summer
  4. No, not familiar with him. For my college Junior Prom we had Duke Ellington and his 14 piece orchestra. Ah ! Paul Gonsalves's tenor saxophone solo on "Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue" ! Ever listen to "The Nutcracker Suite", Ellington and Billy Strayhorn's jazz interpretations/arrangements of the 1892 ballet "The Nutcracker" by Tchaikovsky ? aka "Ode to Joy" - a favorite. I remember "Die Hard" (1, 2 and 3)
  5. For me, it's Thelonious Monk, Ahmad Jamal, Oscar Peterson, or Erroll Garner. If I really want to jazz things up (pun intended), then Miles Davis' Bitches Brew, Kind of Blue, or Sketches in Spain
  6. Alan, do a Youtube search for John Allen's Gorre and Daphetid RR . He's passed on, railroad was destroyed when his house burned after his death but there are plenty of videos. His was considered the epitome of model railroads. (The name was a pun - Gory and Defeated) I've had the same challenges with scenery, you're doing well.
  7. Wow ! Coming along nicely, Alan. Starting to look "real".
  8. At about 19 cents a gallon as I recall. (10 cents if you were filling up at an Army motor pool.)
  9. Yes ! Add a few drops of Dawn dish detergent (or equivalent brand) as a wetting agent, a spray bottle works. Yes also. Go slow ! Don't over wet an area and keep to small areas at a time. I have never use alcohol so can't comment on that aspect. Looking good so far.
  10. The thick white/yellow strips are the hull planking first layer. The 0.5 mm thin walnut strips are the 2nd planking, the 0.5 mm thin yellow strips are the 2nd planking above the wales, also deck planking. This is how most of AL kits come, the ultra thins strips are veneer.. See my build log, link in signature below
  11. We got 12 inches of snow last Sunday, followed by 2-3 inches of rain last night with 45-60 mph wind gusts and 50 F temperatures, lots of stream flooding. Another one coming the weekend
  12. Perhaps Dr Per (aka @Nirvana) at Therapy for Shipaholics could address that question 🤔 😉 😀 😄
  13. Work ??? That’s the cleanest shiney warehouse floor I've ever encountered. 😉
  14. I would recommend Hydrocal plaster, it's lightweight but extremely strong, been used by Model Railroaders for decades to make lightweight hard shell scenery. See my discussion here.. Also school kids white glue, Elmer's is one brand, diluted 50-50, plus toilet paper or Kleenex style tissue can be used to make pathways, roads, trails, etc.
  15. I would use fine mesh nylon/plastic window screening material, lighter and easier to work than wire. Is this a flat or relatively flat area you're trying to texture ? If it is, use the same technique I used in my tank dioramas (see links in my signature).
  16. Either way, Craig, that is a very impressive model. Congrats!
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