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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Actually, I think it translates to "Remember Me ?" as a sarcastic question
  2. Did that a decade ago with a Tamiya Bradley IFV, kit came with a fully detailed interior. Tricked it all out, painted it, even left the rear ramp in the down position. Can't see any of the detail now unless you shine a flashlight into the interior and even then it is barely visible. Came to conclusion it wasn't worth the effort.
  3. I saw it advertised on Scale Hobbyist website as backordered. Presumably they can still get it. I have it on a watchlist.
  4. Is this Tamiya kit the same plane ? Looks like decals may be included
  5. But Andy, first they had to fell the tree, carve out the dugout canoe, season it, then paddle down the Great Lakes to you. And you know how treacherous those Lakes can get ! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
  6. Yes, that's why I replaced all of Model Shipways kit rope with Artesania Latina rope at first until I discovered your rope. Now I replace everybody's kit rope with Syren rope. Good stuff, Chuck. Forgot to mention, same applies to kit supplied blocks, they get replaced with Syren blocks also,
  7. Speaking of detail, has anyone seen the Ramin Shrimp noodle kit by Bandai which they posted to Instagram ? My son thinks they did it partly as a joke and partly to say see what we can do. Bandai also makes the Gundam kits.
  8. I retired 4 times before I made it permanent in January 2008........ Enough already ! Don't miss it a bit.
  9. Wow! By that time I've been up for at least 3 hrs, had full breakfast, coffee, watched the morning horror show and mowed the lawn! 😎😎😎😎 And I'm retired !!!! And an empty nester !!!! <yawn>
  10. Ok, I guess the west coast and the Brits beat me to the show but I'm here too. Getting to be too many to keep track of like Lou said.
  11. Ah ! But it was 9:30 AM on your coast when I posted, Lou. 😴😴😴😴😴
  12. Do you also ride a unicycle and juggle bowling pins at the same time ? 😁😁😁😁
  13. As did mine after I said NO and pointed out to him that the risk to a person over 75 of a perforation is far greater than the benefit of finding cancer early. Even my Oncology Epidemiologist daughter agreed with me and recommended Colaguard. I also pointed out to him that a close family friend who had survived pancreatic cancer and was cancer free for 8 years was coerced into having one at age 65 and died - never woke up from the procedure, was on a ventilator for 2 weeks before dieing. He stopped dead in his tracks and suggested colaguard instead.
  14. COLAGUARD is a good alternative, less invasive. Ask him about that.
  15. Ironically my youngest daughter used to live in Keene! She was Guidance Dept Chair at Keene State College. When she first moved to NH, they lived on Gilmore Pond in Jaffrey before moving into Keene. Now she's in Maryland. Used to drive up to Keene a lot, only about a 3 hr drive for us.
  16. Good on the decal solutions. I see they added satin to the mix, that's new. And I second OC's advice on the Sol. Go easy and don't touch after you apply it..
  17. Craig, where do you get the Mr Colot/Mr Hobby paints ? The 3 online hobby stores I use only carry the primer and maybe the leveler but no paints (Free Time, HobbyLinc, Megahobby).
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