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About CIWS01

  • Birthday 07/04/1983

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  • Location
    Cobleskill, NY
  • Interests
    I love historic Naval ships, Aircraft, anything that requires I work with my hands. I love building things and figuring out how to make things work. I would like to take my modeling to the next level by doing things such as adding lights, sound, motion, ect...

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  1. Allow me to introduce our model ship group to you. We are located in and around Rochester NY. We are a small group that was founded in late 2015. We have members in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Florida, and even one in Lisbon Portugal. We meet monthly and through the Zoom application we have been able to include our more distant members. You can learn more about us by visiting our web site modelshipwrightguildwny.org.

    We have located you through the “Community” drop down function on the Model Ship World forum and are reaching out to you to explore your possible interest and participation in a lively and talented group of modelers from all walks of life.

    Generally, sessions are structured with introductions of visitors, followed by a brief business segment and then we almost always have a central presentation topic or two ending with a show and tell of group models. The sessions usually last two hours.

    So you are invited to visit us (via Zoom) this Fall and see what we are all about. You might find us interesting enough to join us on a more consistent basis. Please PM me back and I will put you on distribution for our Fall schedule when released.

    We will not badger you beyond this outreach if you are not interested.

    Hoping to hear from you.

    Thistle17 on MSW (Joe)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thistle17


      Fred something must have gone wrong as I did not receive it. Here is my email address lwts use this to communicate.





    3. FredSC


      I would, but the last part of your email address is blacked out.  Try me at fnicoll@hargray.com.


    4. Thistle17



  2. Yes I'm seeing this approach more and more here. And you bring up a really good point about the age of the plastic being an issue. The wood is an interesting idea and I am very much interesting in this idea. I'm not a long time wood worker but I'm definitely going to give it a go.
  3. What was once a swirl of ideas and hopes, soon may we see the product of action!

  4. Thanks Force9, that sounded like a great conversation to have! Living history is an amazing experience. Wish I could have made it to Gettysburg this year but there is always next year! Things have been a bit slow lately, we are preparing to move and this will mean that I will finally have a better place to work on Connie! Historyguysteve Thank you very much for the welcome! I've been browsing the forums over the past few months and definitely taking notes. This kit is amazing with the detail but yeah the short falls of mass produced plastic kits are not lost. My original approach has actually been completely altered thanks to the wonderful build logs on this site! Such an awesome challenge they will provide but I can not wait to tackle each one. I really like the idea of using real wood for the masts and spars, I had been considering replacing the Sails as it is but never thought about the masts being on the weak side. I will have to keep that in mind and perhaps see where else to possibly replace or re-manufacture. So far I have gone back and I am removing the original plastic the was used for the glass in the gallery. I had been careless back when I put it in years ago and it had been smudged with glue and looked awful. I want to repaint the hulls now that I have the airbrush and hope to do it soon as long as I can squeeze it in around moving boxes. If I get the chance to do it I will certainly pull out the camera and snap my progress! Looking forward to feedback!
  5. Wow it's been awhile. Winter took a lot of time off of me and With going into Civil War reenacting I've found my time got jumbled up. As soon as it's warmer out I will haul out the Connie and get her back underway! I'm seeing some fantastic ideas on this site and I can't wait to try them out myself and share my experiences!
  6. Thanks for sharing the details of the carriage wheels, I was also wondering what you used.
  7. I also can not wait to see how your guns turn out, so many great from this site and they just keep coming. I wanted to say I really enjoy and appreciate your shared research here. Your attention to detail is very educational and makes these projects that much more interesting. I'm very interested in what you have done with the wheel's, they do not please me much OOB. They do seem a bit undersized (incredible considering how small they are as it is!)
  8. When looking at how incredibly small these Cannon and Carriages are, it is amazing the level of detail you achieve. The hard effort is paying huge dividends. The ropes look so natural in your set up, amazing.
  9. Fantastic thank you Scott. I'm really looking forward to playing with the Evergreen. The possibilities are impressive! Dave: Yes the calipers are a really good idea and are now on my supplies list. The results I see on your build certainly show that it is worth the extra effort!
  10. So I have not had much time on the model as of late due to getting kids back to school and all that stuff, not to mention the drain back to school shopping has on my wallet! But Getting on here and seeing the different projects gets me pumped to be back at it! I'm going to be ordering some different paints so I can shoot the model. I had already joined the hull halves long ago and wish I had not. Too bad it isn't' easier to find another kit or I wouldn't' even worry about it. So much I want to do but can only do what I can right? So here is a question, I have been wanting to get into crafting some of my own components for my kit and i see Evergreen mentioned in many of the posts here. How is it to work with? Is it something that is pliable? How does it usually come? Anything I should know about working with it? Also getting additional fittings such as brass ect... I know there are companies that make parts that can be used. This is the most ambitious project I have ever gotten into and it is only getting worse lol.
  11. Wonderful pictures in all! Looks like a fun trip over all. The Guns are most certainly a project all to themselves. I've had to take a few weeks off my build but not that I'm back again it's back to the armory. I agree about the material of the guns and carriages being some what soft. It has been a difficulty prepping them on my own build. Keep up with the work here! It is motivating to see what is possible with some excellent research and creativity that you have here! PS!! I wanted to say, I love the yellow line concept. It looks fantastic and your hull isn't even black yet. Something I will most certainly try myself!
  12. Sorry for the silence, Had a family vacation and thought about bringing some of my ship to work on but with 2 kids and a packed car I thought better of it! I'm still working on cleaning up the cannon and want to shoot paint on the gun deck soon. I think I may use my airbrush just for larger area's as I think a super fine finish is not needed with this ship, I normally avoid using paint brushes but with the decking and bulkheads I think it will be just right! I removed the plastic insert for the cabin windows as they were damaged and discolored so I will have to find an alternative to that for the glass itself.
  13. Yes, for reasons I cannot completely understand when I got back I decided to break the kit into multiple kits. So the Cannon, the Launches, ect... Maybe it is due to the fact that I had read that the cannon and their carriages take a long time to do. It is just like me to tackle the more of a grind projects first to make the rest easier. I am charging my good digital camera now so I can get some better images up of what i'm actually accomplishing with these guns and my old worn out Gerber.
  14. *edited because I was blind and didn't see the other tree* Ok So yeah I missed the bow chaser carriage. That was embarrassing! I'm continuing to clean the guns, they do look so much better with the flash and glue cleaned up!
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