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ocean clipper

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About ocean clipper

  • Birthday 11/16/1944

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    Basingstoke UK

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  1. What can i say think i said it all before lovely build,light at end of the long tunel now nice,love the ships longboats hanging of the side going to do the same i dont care what the books say it your build do it how it suits you,madness to cover up those skids,any way take a look at the victory you will see davits excatley where yours are placed.Taking a summer break myself. DEREK
  2. Hi Ken welcome back like you i have not done any more to my Victory in 2 months,summer is heregoing to make the most of it in garden,so model going on back burner for a while.Like you i am allways saying could i have done it sny better ?prob not with my limited skills it is what it is,as long as i am happy with it at end of day,then i am happy. DEREK
  3. Very nice David thsts what i will do eventually put boats on davits and other in the water.I have decided to put my build on hold untill end of summer the weather isjust to good to waste indoors.Keep up the good work. DEREK
  4. Hi Glenn wow your flying along nice work on the planking pity in a sense you going to cover them with 2600 copper tiles seriously you are doing a great job. DEREK
  5. Kevin nice to see you back on your build keep up the god work mate
  6. David i got to ask how do you keep the build so clean mine needs a blow over and a damp brush on it,your photos are brilliant i can never get the angles correct so they all look the same,dont know about you but the more riggin i do the more of other rigging i break or it goes all floppy seem to be using more of me time refixing things of late need small hands lol. DEREK
  7. Excellant job David looks the buisness you should be proud of that workmanship.You gave any more thought as to where the longboats are going ? DEREK
  8. Very very nice David allmost there now,quess you soon me ordering the casing material,i am a little bit behind you at the moment,hey dont forget the longboats,where they going personally mine are going in the sea behind the victory maybe one on a davit,for sure i am not going to cover up all that work i done with them,ok carry on with the good work and well done mate. DEREK
  9. Hi David that is looking real good,on the main mast are you working from the top down with the yards,as i was thinking of doing that myself to try to cut down on snagging things..DEREK
  10. Nice job David i made the mistake of putting yard on before i did those blocks.you are going to be finished in a couple of months i think,well done. DEREK
  11. Hello David A very nice job indeed those pictures of plans are they jotikas,asking because i am sure mine not like that.i have just completed the rigging you are ahead of me now,going to take breather then make the yards.Is surprising how even one yard alters the look of the build,well done mate. DEREK
  12. Hi David nice clean job well done,looking at your photo has reminded me i still have that figurehead to paint. DEREK
  13. Hello David nice job well done ,it amazes me the amount of people who mention the hammock netting when in fact its not part of the build according to the manuals,its just a add on some one once done,i like you david have bent those hammock pins all over the place,cant see me bothering with netting now to late.also got a couple of gunports to glue back on as you say things now are going to get knocked of DEREK
  14. Hi Eric yes i had a few probs there but for the life of me i cant remember what i did to resolve,there is a bit ion my log about it not sure if its much help,was a long time ago i did that part DEREK
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