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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. Success, 4 post drilled and epoxied into the model. All deck cabins stuck, lights installed.
  2. Found a .125 milling end that was able to score the post. IMG_3343.MOV
  3. Decided to try to drill post as i have no idea when our airports will reopen. To my surprise i have been able to drill 4 holes in three post. Difficult as the drill bit tends to wonder as i can punch the post. I used a file to score the post. I do not think the drill bit will last too long but it will be much cheaper than buying the resistance soldering unit which is currently unavailable. Keep you fingers crossed.
  4. Pat thanks so much for your response. Makes me want to purchase the unit. What do you think i need to buy with the first purchase? I live in Trinidad so its problematic to get stuff. I am also not sure if i can even get to clear the items from the courier service as the country has just implemented a total shut down. The airport is now closed.
  5. I need a stronger joint than varnish would give
  6. Struggling with the doldering of the railings. Any suggestions??
  7. Decided to make provision to light the interior, so had to carve access to the cabins. Then painted the stanchions and main post.
  8. Over head sliding lift above the freight holds. Made up soldering brass L beams to make the ibeam, then three pieces of brass c channels to make up the sliding car.
  9. Used the Priac to cut the 45 degree and it came out perfect.
  10. They look great. I like how they hold the shape.
  11. I just did a quick search and found that there is a kit at the Modelers shipyard.
  12. Side lift and started working on the doors.
  13. I would have to see them to understand how realistic they are.
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