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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. I had a rough time with the imperfections of the bottom. Different surfaces, wood, glue, glaze putty, Bondo filler, scratches etc. finally got it to an acceptable level. Will sand and apply 3 more coats then mask to put the sides in white.
  2. Roger i am not going to show the plates on this one maybe when i build the plank on frame i will reconsider. In the mean time i will do some experimentation like you are doing. On another note I got this book on marine steam engines. Should be interesting reading over the next month. I am still fighting up to find the exact design for the boiler and fire box.
  3. Greg and David have taken model making instruction to a whole new level. Cant wait to get mine. Kevin
  4. Deck vents installed. Just the grills to put in each vent. Now for a breather as i am starting to do s,,,,it
  5. Thanks Bob I have the riveting instruction (see attached) and also found a similar ship built around the same time but by a different ship yard that was restored But used a similar construction, so I plan to follow this.
  6. Lining up the post. I was surprised that only a few had trouble lining up. Inner stanchions come on Tuesday with my daughter from New York.
  7. I have ordered these 3D printed air vents which are to scale. Hopefully they are what they say they are. If they turn out ok 3D offers the hobby great possibilities. I have a number of friends that have 3D printers but no one is prepared to do the design work to get the pieces printed. I am thinking of learning some form of autocad so that i can do the design work and then send them for printing.
  8. Just got a beautiful copy of the original picture of the Naparima in the Thames river before sailing to Trinidad from the National Maritime Museum.
  9. I am sure there are some of you that have simulated metal hull plates. I am considering two options. One is to transfer the lines onto the hull and score the lines into the wood with an exacto knife. The rivets will be simulated with dots of superglue. The other option is to cut paper copies of the plates and stick these in the hull. The Rivets will be the same as suggested.
  10. Yves i still have a long way to go before i do that. I have a series of parts coming in two weeks. Not sure if they will work or are to scale. Once all the hull fittings are put in including the propellers and i see what works and what does not i will know how to finish. I actually have the plating layout for the hull. I have not decided how i am going to simulate the plates as yet.
  11. I have had to gas two of my earlier models that were being attacked by termites so now i treat everything. In more temperate climates wood worm can also be as destructive. A few years ago i did a major renovation at home using plywood from Brazil. 10 years later it exploded with powder post beetles. We had to rip it all out. It could not be treated.
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