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  1. This is my first model and what did I know when I started. I shaped the hatches and placed them directly over the planking. I did epoxy the mast in place and then added the topmast. That was a mistake and fitting the shrouds and forestay would have been easier without it. I will be adding a photo soon as I am almost done with the standing rigging.
  2. Hello, It has been a while since I last posted the results on this site. Been busy doing some software programming and other things but I have completed quite a bit on the model. This photo shows the process of stepping the mast. I added two-part epoxy into the slot provided in the frame and then placed the completed mast into the slot. I chose to mount the ship on pedestals and that this is a temporary plate. After squaring the mast I secured it in place using the temporary lines attached to the plate. The main hatch and the grill for the cooking area are finished and I'm waiting until the mast is completely fixed in this position to add these.
  3. It has been several months since I last posted on this build log. However, I have been busy but without much photographic evidence except for these photos as I have completed the walnut second-planking. My sister-in-law is an expert quilter and says that small mistakes are called "sparklers". So I have a number of sparklers in this my first build. I used Jatoba wood as the accent strip along the gun ports. I finished the wood with Watco Danish Oil natural. I am very pleased with the results. I finished the main-mast and the bowsprit so that I could visualize how they fit into the deck plan. Worked out pretty well. [Last photo] Now I move on to finishing the deck area.
  4. Thanks to several members who gave help in uploading photos. The photo above was taken about December 16, 2014. I was well on my way in the planking process. The finished work on basswood planking. Here is a view of the model as of today, January 23, 2015. All planking with .025 walnut, oak and jatoba is yet to come. I have been studying material on planking to improve on the walnut on the lower hull to have as good a look as possible. I am using DAP DryDex spackling for fill in some low spots and gaps in the hull. More cleanup is required before I continue planking. I soaked the basswood planks for up to several hours before applying to the hull with cyano adhesive. It worked well except in the bow area where the wet planks went straight from bulkhead to bulkhead in a relatively straight line creating a depression. If I do this style of construction again I will place basswood fillers between bulkheads to provide a "fair" bend where the curvature takes place.
  5. This is a call for help. I could not find the icon to add photos to my post. Can anyone help? Later, I tried again and got them in, but not in the right order. Hope you can follow.
  6. It has been a while since I last posted. We went through Christmas and other activities but I continue to work on the AVS. However I did some "outside" work that I will describe here . I could not understand some of the instructions that I was reading concerning the planking of the hull. So I decided to build what I’m calling a hull section pictured below. I copied the bulkhead patterns for bulkhead L and a couple more which had the spacing to provide a gun port. The results are seen in figure 1. I created the sub deck by gluing together lengths of 1/8 inch Basswood and applying them to the bulkheads. (Figure 2). I then planked the bulkheads as shown in figure 3. Figure 5 shows the interior of the bulwark complete with waterway installed. I have two designs for the waterways. The section on the right of the deck area is the waterway installed as called out on the plan. To the left is a sanded down waterway on a 0.047” spacer to allow decking edges to be hidden. Figure 8 shows the outside of the hull section showing from the top the sheer strake in mahogany the gun port planking, the upper planking of a wood called Jatoba. Just below is the black strake and the wale, both painted black. Below the planks are mahogany. I plan to use the jatoba to provide a contrast on the interior bulkheads and on the rear deck. For the main deck I am planning to use oak. I stained the planks with Watco Danish Oil and was very pleased with the results. I tried varnish made from urethane and did not like the gloss. Since the Danish Oil contains a varnish, I plan to go with that. Also, I painted the wale black. For the model, I plan to use a dark mahogany stain rather than black paint.
  7. Hello, Here is where I am with the fashion pieces in place. I added to the port side to get better proportions prior to adding the fashion pieces. I used a scroll saw to cut the round pieces and wonder why the kit designer did not add this to the laser cut sheets supplied with the kit. I actually used some scraps from one of the laser-cut sheets. Al
  8. This is my first post concerning my present project, the Armed Virginia Sloop. I received it in late August 2014 and then went on a two-week tour in September. Have been working on it pretty steady since late September.
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