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Aleksei Domanov

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Everything posted by Aleksei Domanov

  1. Dear Dirk, yes, sure. I should get new parts on next week so come back to you with prices for replacement. could you please email me more details on this : thank you.
  2. Don, Ulises - thank you for kind words! maaaslo, really regret to hear you're running into the gear problem. May be you apply too much strong while fixing transmission gear in place? I've never heard previously about such problem with thread. Anyway, please PM me your name and address and I'll send you replacement (one or two?) About motor. Does it happen with loaded machine or while free run without load? How smooth does it run by hand in the same situation? please PM me also the pic on motor and control module. I have to investigate it. thank you.
  3. Dear Friends, I am proud to present my new improvement of best-selling Serving Machine. Ball bearings are now used for both parts - main and transmission. It allows you to serve and make other jobs as smoothly as possible . Here is the photo of new cheek with ball bearing. Here is the short video on how to assemble. (English subtitles available) And more details you may find on my site: http://shipworkshop.com/products/tools/serving-machine-2.6 regards, Alexey
  4. Yes, please send it asap as I'm going to make new video about using serving machine and it's options. I'll be glad to include your suggestions in that video.
  5. Here you are: http://shipworkshop.com/products/all-products BR, Alexey
  6. It's very simple to measure rope diameter: I make 10-20 turns around pen and measure whole length then divide by number of turns. :--) How to know which threads to use to get desired diameter - download user guide in right "download" section. You may find answer at the end of the manual. http://shipworkshop.com/products/tools/ropewalk-planetary-3.0
  7. Thank you, Bob, for your kind words. Wheels are for making stay mouse http://shipworkshop.com/products/options/mouse Sorry, I still haven't made video but for the fist time pics should be enough. There is no sound in my videos, only subtitles. You Vanguard is very good! And I'm sure she will get superb rigging! cheers, Alexey
  8. Here are mine :-) Feel free to contact me about details and suggestions to build your own. http://www.shipworkshop.com/pages/tools/planetary_25.html http://www.shipworkshop.com/pages/tools/prosak_20.html
  9. Hi Jason thanks :-) it's not yet covered at all. Will cover it with clear varnish.
  10. Thank you all for kind words. Letters... CNC Lanterns - yes, I'm going but still do not how :-) Now I'm wiring decks to make such lights across whole ship. Capstans are visible :-) I don't like to do extra job :-))))
  11. Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light.... (it's hard to shoot a film in a dark, and I do not know how to add video not on youtube here :-() in my blog http://hms-vanguard.blogspot.com/2015/02/blog-post_8.html or on FB https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=815998308473954 But it's better than just light
  12. Letters... THE NAME... Now everybody knows who is she :-) (letters made of boxwood)
  13. Stern lids. Not much to do, but spent all day. Hinges are blackened. Rope is 0.22mm and made on Prosak for 5 minutes. But I can't make pic to show its texture :-)
  14. Didn't like the kit's capstain. Looks like too vaneer...
  15. I can't believe... I've done it... Last black nail in place...
  16. Seems I've got some free time to come back :-) So, I'm back, hope for long time. This is the last yellow nail!
  17. Thank you very much for you valued report and idea!!! "The power supply is shipped separately from China because Australia uses a different (240 volt) system." The reason is another type of socket. We (EU) use the same 220-240V but different socket. So I offer drop shipment for any PSU different from EU.
  18. It's not broken - do not repair...

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  19. That table is... I did it by myself ... Thread by tread, rope by rope ... Spent lot of time. You know, everything I publish - it's long way to publish ...
  20. Hi Mark, you'll find such table at the end of Prosak's user guide :-) http://www.shipworkshop.com/pages/tools/prosak_20.html Alexey
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