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About sfotinos

  • Birthday October 7

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    Lincoln NE

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  1. Cleaning out my stash… $130 plus shipping. PM me, I will accept PayPal. shawn
  2. Happy 4th. Tried to get a little time in the shop today. However, I’m ready to work on sweep port DF and am unable to find it. Hopefully they weren’t on a different billet? Any insight would be appreciated. shawn
  3. There are only about 5 of these frames that are permanently attached. Some still need final adjustments. Chuck's jig system is pretty fool proof, some adjustment is needed. Not alot. On to working on the sweep ports/port sills. Shawn
  4. I’m considering setting all the “tall frames”, and then go back setting the “small frames”. Or is it best to do the sweep port and gun port frames as I go? Shawn
  5. So I'm building frame 10A. I had already relabeled mine when you posted this. I seem to however already have a set of 10A? All 4 match perfectly. Hopefully I'm good. Shawn
  6. Before I attempt to start getting ready to permanently attach my frames. If I’m going to treenail them should I do it before I attach them and do the frames individually or after they are permanent and can do the whole run? Let there be frames… Thanks shawn
  7. I for the life of me cannot find any of the pieces to build frame 12a. Could I ask someone to look at their kits and let me know which billets I should be looking for these. Thanks in advance. Shawn
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