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About highlanderburial

  • Birthday 03/02/1973

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  • Location
    Glenolden, pa
  • Interests
    Ship modeling, figure painting, bicycling,

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  1. An interesting thing happened a few weeks back. A person stopped by our ship model club meeting and donated an S D model of the St. Louis done up in her WWI camo. The model was busted up from shipping. I started restoring it in addition to building my 1/200 scale St. Louis.
  2. This is a great photo and having been to that part of the world up to Humbolt and Crescent City, I can see how that part of the coast is super unforgiving! This design has kind of grown on me since I started.
  3. So I have been playing the game World of Warships for quite sometime and I have been begging them to release some of their warship files so people could print and model them. Last year they did just that with the 1905 USS St. Louis CL 20. It is a 426 fool US armored cruiser which fought in WWI and was built in Philadelphia, PA. I have been printing for some time but this is the first full on ship print I have attempted. I just got a very good new Fused Deposit Material (FDM) printer and it is working wonders on printing the parts for me to assemble so far.
  4. I love this ship so I wish you joy of it! I will be building one at some point but my build log is a bit full right now! Can I ask where you got your references? I have been trolling both the national archives and the Philadelphia Historical Society to try and get more information on her.
  5. Lag on the project again. I got the 3d prints done. I needed to fiddle with the supports to get it to come out correct. No paint yet but the here is the prototype.
  6. That drawing is artwork onto itself. A very cool reference. Thanks for posting!
  7. This was an amazing find. This is the reason I come to this site. The sheer amount of first-hand knowledge references and tips are awesome. Thanks for posting!
  8. The final build on the gun looks great!!! Plus I love Revenue Cutters.....
  9. One of the major stumbling points on the project when I am not able to get down to the shop and work with wood is I wanted a decent pivot gun for the vessel. There really are none for sale that match this time period. On one of the forums here another user posted some amazing pics of a computer drawn version of the exact pivot gun I was looking for. Still there were no actual CAD files I could directly print from so I chipped away at sculpting my own. I finished modeling the gun, carriage and rail (with super challenging chamfer supports). Here are some pics. I have it on the printer right now and will post pics when complete. To be clear the last pic is not mine it is found by putting in a search on MSW for 18 lb pivot gun and you will see the thread.
  10. Thanks for your amazing rendering. I was able to build one out in a CAD type program using your pics for a visual. It is on the printer right now and I will take pictures when it is finished. I needed this for my scratch build. Simulating the chamfer deck supports under the rail was tougher than I thought it would be.
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