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    NMBROOK reacted to Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    today was a make or break day for me, learn how to use the airbrush, i was never going to do upto the waterline by brush, in the end it was ok, usung neat lifecolour paints and a pressure of about 15, im quite pleased with in, next above the waterline, perhaps next weekend, but i have another kit on its way, it is not a ship

  2. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to jonny.amy in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Hi Kevin,
    Your Bismark is looking great, and your Cocker is absolutely gorgeous. The Admiral and I have a 5 month old Working strain Cocker Spaniel. I think there's more springer in her than cocker because she is nuts, but very lovable. Be prepared to accept that time in the man cave and shipyard will dwindle very quickly over the next few months.
    This is my little pup, the dinosaur costume is courtesy of the Admiral, she thought it looked cute...

  3. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    lovely to be back up and running, even if only on plastic, 

  4. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    good morning everyone
    making progress with at least an hour daily on the build, PE is being fitted everywhere, Like all my builds, I should stick to page one of the instructions, and not move on until completed, as I am continually finding something is now in the way

  5. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    good evening everyone
    it has taken a while to get used to having a nosher dog in the family, but we are now settling into a routine that is working for the three of us, done quite a lot of work on the Bismarck over the weekend - but getting bogged down with PE
    never got chance to get outside for photo' to windy - so again sorry for the quality

  6. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Good afternoon every one
    more progress, but wish i had stuck to the correct order of the build, LOL- it's painfully show and doesn't show in the photos the hours of work done

  7. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to robdurant in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    Thanks Dimitris
    A small update on the ship's launch. It's starting to come together a bit better now:
    I ditched several ideas along the way here... The .5 x 3mm strip for the ribs is far too grainy to bend, and seemed to me to be too thick to look scale, so I used some veneer instead. I also decided to use ply from the pickle kit for the wales, as then I could cut and sand it to shape rather than trying to bend a 2mm strip (again, too thick?) against the widest dimension. By my reckoning the ribs end up about 6mm apart. I also ditched the former at the front and the "bench"? at the back as being way too thick. I've just planked the front with walnut, and I'll do the same at the back for the "bench".



    The wales need a bit more sanding to make them more uniform, but otherwise I'm pleased with the progress so far. Next step, the "bench" at the back and then the 1x1mm strip and the brass decoration with the blue behind. Soon be onto the masts and spars
    Has anyone turned the masts and spars for RYC on a Proxxon DB250 - I'm considering buying one to replace the mantua lathe I have (which really isn't man enough, and is dying slowly: not least, because the home-brew power supply I've been using has been providing too many volts to the motor - 14 instead of 12), but I'm wondering whether it's the best way to spend the money
  8. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to robdurant in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    Time for another update. Thanks for the kind comments
    Still working on the ship's boat:

    Planking completed...

    I decided one planking would be sufficient, as I wanted to try and get the thin-ness of the hull, and I wasn't planning on varnishing the wood, but painting it... I bit the bullet and put some wood filler on it, ready to sand down...

    Then the first sanding (I suspect it'll take a couple of turns to get a really nice finish.


    And then it was the most scary bit... to remove the upper frames... I was really pleased how that went. Now I just need to trim the transom back and get tidying up.

    Happy building!
  9. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to robdurant in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    So, another week, and a little more done.
    I started the launch, which posed a few interesting questions.
    Mainly, the part no. 7 is shown on the plans as extending from frame 1 right back to either side of the keel, but in practice it stops some way short. Hopefully the pictures will make more sense of this than my description. (It's all dry fitted at this stage):

    I wasn't quite sure whether it was the keel (8) or the former (7) that was the wrong length, so I thought I'd take a look at AOTS (Anatomy of the Ship book), and see what it showed. It's worth pointing out at this stage that this kit is over 15 years old, so it is quite possible that Panart have fixed this is more recent versions. Some of the other Caroline builders may well be able to answer that question
    Well, looking at AOTS was a revelation. It turns out that the launch in AOTS is just over 18cm (even taking the 1:47 (kit) - 1:48 (AOTS) conversion), whereas, the model is only 14.4cm or 13.7cm if you cut out the spare keel... The picture  below gives some idea of the difference... model placed on top of AOTS:

    That being the case, it seems that this is simply an area where the kit differs from AOTS, but it does help to answer the question should the keel be shortened... I certainly don't want to make the model differ any more from AOTS by shortening the boat even more, so I've decided to leave the keel as is, and accept that the former (which will be disposed of later in the process) is simply short.
    That decision having been made, I cut the notches into the frames to allow them to be snapped off once the planking is complete, put electrical insulation tape on the edges of the frames above the notch, and glued the frames on to the keel (putting the former in place, but not gluing it, as it will need to be removed later... Then I began the first planking...

    It did occur to me that with a picture like that, someone could get the wrong idea about my hobby :S
    Anyway - suffice it to say the pins are only for the purpose of keeping the planks in place and flat to the frames as they glue. You can see the red insulation tape sticking out - that's simply to stop any glue sticking the planks to the frames above the notches... Hopefully it will keep life simple when the time comes to remove those later.

    That's it for now.
    Happy building
  10. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to robdurant in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    Hi all!
    Thanks for the kind words Don.
    I've done a little more work on the launch:
    I added a tiller from brass rod (painted with Caldercraft Walnut acrylic paint)... I also used this walnut paint to paint along the edges of the ply wales. I added the wale strips (4mm below the wale) from 1x1 walnut strip. Then painted in the 4mm band with blue acrylic (Humbrol 25), and added the brass etch gilding.


    You can see a small spot on the rear corner where the blue needs touching up. Otherwise, I'm very happy with the results I'm planning to put some matt varnish on the brass to stop it tarnishing.
    Still to do: I need to add the rowlocks, oars (waiting for my new lathe to arrive - yes, I finally took the plunge and have bought a Proxxon DB250 - and "benches".
    I've spent a couple of hours drawing up individual plans for each of the mast sections ready to start shaping them. I'm creating these from the plans, and then I'll take a look at AOTS and see if there are any changes I want to make. They're not to scale, but they do give some idea of how those masts are going to be built up. It also begins to give me some idea of where caps, crosstrees, tops and masts meet, and how they're going to go together.


    Thanks again for the likes and kind words. Such an encouragement!
    Happy building
  11. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to robdurant in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    Hi all,
    I've started work on the foremast and foretop.



    It's all dry-fitted at the moment, and the top has more detail to go on. I want to try and assemble the whole mast, dry-fitted before the mast is stepped.
    More soon
  12. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Daniel Dusek in Dusek Ship Kits-news+info   
    Thanks shihawk, I hope you will enjoy with the kits.
  13. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to shihawk in Dusek Ship Kits-news+info   
    I couldn,t resist Daniel,s sale so ordered the Santa Maria and a couple of longboats for my Vic , they arrived inside a week . With the present exchange rate and the 30% sale this is a real bargain for anyone from the UK .  Thanks Daniel .
  14. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to marsalv in Pandora by marsalv - FINISHED - 1:52   
    Thank you Greg .
    I have started making of the stern decorations.

  15. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to marsalv in Pandora by marsalv - FINISHED - 1:52   
    After a longer break I continue to work on Pandora - lower finishing.

  16. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Dimitris71 in Dusek Ship Kits-news+info   
    A 40mm block under the front of the jig on the Nuestra when upside down on a flat surface makes the keel horizontal The hull is perfectly true to the surface then,making marking everything out like wales etc easy
    Kind Regards
  17. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Sjors in Dusek Ship Kits-news+info   
    Both are fantastic Daniel but as you might guess the Trinnidad is my favourite     .I am glad you have carried over the upper jig design from The Nuestra Senora  .I hope you will keep updating us of progress,if only so I can carry on drooling like Ulises  
    Kind Regards
  18. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Daniel Dusek in Dusek Ship Kits-news+info   
    Hello all,

    Just only last week of Christmas sale. Get 30% off on all goods in stock.

    Discount code: CHRISTMAS SALE 2015

    The discount code is valid only to the end of Sunday 6th December.


    Best regards

    Daniel Dusek

  19. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from mort stoll in HMS Victory by Heinz746 - Caldercraft   
    Truly wonderful work Heinz  Your Elderberry plywood is a nice bit of thinking 'out of the box'.The results speak volumes.Those windows blew my mind .They look spectacular,not easy to do in any scale,let alone 1/72!!!!!!!!!!!.
    Kind Regards
  20. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Seventynet in HMS Victory by Heinz746 - Caldercraft   
    Truly wonderful work Heinz  Your Elderberry plywood is a nice bit of thinking 'out of the box'.The results speak volumes.Those windows blew my mind .They look spectacular,not easy to do in any scale,let alone 1/72!!!!!!!!!!!.
    Kind Regards
  21. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Heinz6672 in HMS Victory by Heinz746 - Caldercraft   
    Truly wonderful work Heinz  Your Elderberry plywood is a nice bit of thinking 'out of the box'.The results speak volumes.Those windows blew my mind .They look spectacular,not easy to do in any scale,let alone 1/72!!!!!!!!!!!.
    Kind Regards
  22. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello Nigel, nice to hear from you. Thank you for your encouragement words.. Much appreciated.. I almost go crazy with the masts , something was not right from the start....   As I said before at least in my eyes look more in scale.  
  23. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Dimitris71 in HMS Victory by Heinz746 - Caldercraft   
    Truly wonderful work Heinz  Your Elderberry plywood is a nice bit of thinking 'out of the box'.The results speak volumes.Those windows blew my mind .They look spectacular,not easy to do in any scale,let alone 1/72!!!!!!!!!!!.
    Kind Regards
  24. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Heinz6672 in HMS Victory by Heinz746 - Caldercraft   
    Hello friends!
    I finished the windows. Oh God, these little parts... But now it´s done :-)
    As I told you before, I was not really happy with the ornaments. The color of the new wood is a brighter than all the other strips of my elderberry wood. And it always breaks when I tried to build little details. NMBROOK gave me some advices how to  resolve this problem. (Thanks again, Nigel :-) ). But I had another idea to try it with my old and small elderberry strips.
    First I glue some strips parallel to get a smooth surface, for example 3 x 4 cm. In the second step I glue a second ply on the back in a 90 degree angel. The wood fibers run transversely to each other. This gives the piece of wood much more hardness to work out small details.
    Look at the last 2 pictures. I have made the new ornaments on the right side in this way. There are no color differences and no broken and repaired places anymore. The ornaments look much more like the original ones. Don´t you think so?
    I hope I can manage the left side in the same way...
    Have a nice weekend 
    and greetings to all of you
    - Heinz -

  25. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    My admiration for taking the bold step to alter your masts to the correct height Dimitris Your build is looking fantastic
    Kind Regards
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