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Posts posted by wthilgen

  1. I use expanding foam from a spray can. One can get it at "Home Depot" the old cans used to have to be used all at once. The new stuff can be used again and again if you seal the nozzle as directed.


    It expands quite a bit, so a little goes a long way. Make sure it has an outlet so over expansion has a place to go.


    I generally let it dry for about 3 days, then trim off excess. You'll find it dries pretty hard. Can be trimmed with any sharp edge and can be sanded.


    It states that you can paint it, I don't know for sure because I only use it between the bulkheads and then plank over it.

  2. If and when a ship received any damage to the hull in which they had to make repairs. It was cheaper and faster to insert a stealer or drop plank, and on occasion simply adding a scarf would mean less time in the shipyard.


    Much in the same way autos use bondo to make it lookgood and get it out of the shop faster and cheaper, compareD to replacing a whole fender or such.


    Time is money, even in those days.

  3. I use a piece of scotch tape. Place the tape where you would place the plank. Using a fine marker, trace the edges of the existing plate on to the tape. Remove andd place on top of desired plank. You will see exactly and how much material to remove. Get it close, then sneak up on it for the final fit.


    Works really well when it comes to scarfs.

  4. When you've done your best, there is always wood putty. The real ships of old wern't perfect and to some degree had to be filled in. In small amounts it will add to the over all effect when you put on what ever finish you choose. I personaly prefer to use a propane torch and ever so slightly charing it. Using a finger to rub for desired effect make the vessel appear to be old. Any area where I had to use a bit of putty, turns out blacker and looks like pitch.

  5. I agree with demon. There generally is more plans and detail work to be done in advance status. If you pick one that someone at MSW already has it is a big help. Because this site rules we your stuck. There is no such thing as a dum question. It only where you list the question that becomes a question. Welcome aboard you'll find a lot of help regardless of build you choose.

  6. I've used painters tape 1" wide. I hold on to each end of the piece of tape and apply it making sure it touches middle of the hole first then both ends at the same time. Don't push, just set it over the hole.

    Once applied, I use the side of a sharpened carpenters pencil and gently rub the edges of the hole. I sharpen the pencil so the lead is about 1/4 - 3/8 in length.

    Remove tape, set on plank, add 1mm cut to shape, sand to fit numerous time until done.

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