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Everything posted by medic

  1. Thanks Jaager for your sound advice, It's always better to ask the question than let your pride bugger the finish. Sage words from my wife Cheers, Medic
  2. Hi all, It's been a little while, but thought some one out there would be able to advise me. Is it advisable to clean and varnish deck planks before adding the deck furnishings, or does the varnish coat effect gluing? If the varnishing first is ok, what's the best glue for the job? Cheers, Medic
  3. So I've applied a single coat of a combination stain/satin varnish more to protect finish against dirty marks and stains while I'm continuing work. Once I've cut the gun ports I intend putting a couple more coats on the hull. I've now moved onto the deck and have used an 8b pencil on the edges of the planks to highlight joints. My question now is what is the best way to finish the deck off when I varnish? I'm thinking sanding will just leave grey smears. Is there an alternative? In terms of the finished product most of the decks I've been looking at seem to have a clear varnish without any stain pigment. Is this correct or should I go with something very light? Cheers Medic
  4. Fantastic craftmanship.
  5. Thanks Andy, The chance of a stain when I'm handling it, or my kids grotty little fingers is making me edgy. I'll post the result over the weekend. Cheers Medic
  6. Thanks John / Andy, Happy for the support, I was thinking of just applying one coat of varnish on the hull prior to cutting the gunports (yeah I know no guns) but my nautical vocabulary is somewhat limited, hopefully to protect the planking from dirt and marking etc. What do you think, is the raw sanded timber at significant risk of marking? Or is this just a waste of time? Cheers Medic
  7. Thanks mate, Please take some of the credit along with AndyW. I'm using your build logs as my reference. Got to say as this is my very first build I'm spending a lot of time scratching my head and thinking "how the" did they do that? Hope to post again this weekend feel free to comment and guide me. Right back everyone with a big Happy New Years to you and yours. Cheers Medic
  8. Thanks for the heads up guys, will post results Cheers Medic
  9. Hey guys, Thanks for your support. As it's my first kit I'm never really sure if it's was any good. So what's this 'wipe on poly' and where do I get it? Is it an acrylic base as I'm planning on painting the blue using Vallejo acrylics. Cheers Medic
  10. Well it seems to have been ages since my last post, and all I've done is watch everyone elses build logs. Having said that I knew my first kit was going to be slow. But I have finally completed the second layer of planking on my Racehorse. I'm debating the option of a light stain or clear finish and would be happy for some opinions. My biggest concern relates to conditioning the timber to allow better uptake of any subsequent coats of stain and varnish. Can anyone give me an idea of a good product to use, I've seen a few examples of a mottled finish and albeit this is my first kit I'd prefer not to go down that path. Cheers Medic
  11. Thanks Andy, I hope to finish the 2nd planking shortly so should post pics then. My current cunudrum is to paint or not to paint. Like you so aptly put it Andy I to am using this build as a training exercise my first in fact. I don't wish to get bogged down in historical fact or fiction, but to be honest I prefer the raw earthy tones wood. The question then still remains to paint or not to paint. Cheers Medic
  12. Thanks for the heads up David. I picked up a good book on rigging by Lennarth Petersson 'Rigging Period ship models'. And have a couple of step by step DVD's by Modellers Shipyard, but for me nothing substitutes talking to a guy who's done it. And in this particular example the 'done it' is HMS Racehorse. Cheers Mark
  13. Hey Andy, Very keen to see the pics as it aids someone like myself new to the hobby. Looking at the reverse side of my Racehorse plans makes me feel a bit sick in the guts. Cheers Medic
  14. Ok so as this my first kit i'm finding everything difficult for i am just a simple nurse. Firstly can someone explain the channel thing to me slowly start with what it is... maybe i know as something different but more likely i have know idea. Cheers Medic
  15. Hey Andy, Looks great, i'm trying to get back into my Race horse after a few months away, so i'm watching your progress with interest. Cheers Medic
  16. I love it Medic
  17. Cheers Brian, First few walnut planks now in situ. For everyone who responded thanks, I am to date managing with the PVA I am just using hand pressure till the glue goes off as I found the walnut really brittle and it splint when I tried to tack it. Is the hand pressure I mentioned adequate or is there a better technique? Cheers Medic
  18. Thanks for the support monkeyman, To be honest I'm just concentrating on the here and now with this being my first build. If I was to flip the plans over now and see what I have left to do I think I would just lay in the corner in the foetal position...................ignorance is bliss. Cheers Medic
  19. Thanks guys laying first walnut plank today Cheers Medic
  20. Thanks for the feedback Keith and David. I really value the feedback from more experienced modellers such as yourself. I have been a modeller for about 30 years but this is certainly my first attempt at period ships. I start Nov 2014 when I joined the forum. I plan on using white carpenter's glue as for the first layer. I read where some guys use CA or contact glues on the second layer but I feel I need a little more "play time" to ensure things are working. I'm actually a nurse, the medic bit come from 20yrs Army Medical Corps Cheers Medic
  21. And here is my post sanding and filling pics.............all set for second layer. Any last minute tips and advice welcome. The 0.5mm veneer of the second layer of walnut planks seems to wrap around the hull quite well. Is there a need to bend these planks manually as per the first layer? Cheers Medic
  22. Here is the completed first layer of planking pre sanding. I am reasonably happy as this is my very first build. Cheers Medic
  23. Hey Tony, Thanks for your feedback. I'm with you mate and chose the latter method of planking. I've completed the first planking and am ready for sanding. I want to post some pre and post sanding pics so stay tuned. As this is my first kit it appears to me and I'm sure you'll agree that unlike other sharp bow kits, Racehorse is quite "bulbous" about a third of it's way from bow to stern. So the lines that attracted me to this kit (as well as the price for a first kit) amplifies the challenges. Did you choose to apply a clear varnish and let the natural colours of the walnut do the work or have you opted for a stain? I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions come rigging as for a new modeller to this medium the plans / instructions leave a lot to be desired in terms of interpretation. Is this reflective of this manufacturer? Cheers Medic
  24. Deck looking good, progressing well. I hope as I go through the stages of my first build it looks as good. Cheers Medic
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