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Everything posted by medic

  1. Guys thanks very much for the feedback this kind of support makes my transition from the other forms modelling to period ships that much easier, and as a new guy that much more welcomed. Cheers Medic
  2. Great start Woodmiester, I don't think your kit is the only set of plans that requires "a degree of interpretation". Cheers Medic
  3. Thanks one and all for your valuable input, as this is my first build I'm not keen to stuff it up, and you are all key to my success. Having said that trial and error seems to be the order of the day. Another question if you'll permit.....................Is a satin finish the most appropriate? Cheers Medic
  4. Can anyone help? I have come from a back ground of figure and AFV modelling on either a plastic, resin or white metal base. What is the best way to apply finishes to wood? 1. Should I use an air brush or a good sable brush. 2. Should I paint each section separately or wait till model is assembled? Cheers Medic
  5. Hey all, So here is my Racehorse to date. As this is my first kit and therefore my first planking attempt I'm reasonably happy but I need a little advise please. I've placed a temporary plank approximately half way and am placing my planks from the top of the bulkheads to the keel. As my bow and stern planks have nearly reached this point and the middle section has a way to go what should I do to maintain the lines? Anyone who has seen this kit knows that this "middle section is filled with short planks I was hoping to avoid this, but I'm not sure I can. Cheers Medic
  6. Hey all, I to am working on the Racehorse, and felt a little sick until I come across Shacks initiated forum. Having seen the planks run full length has helped me decide to go the same way. Tony I know what you mean about ZyXuz build log (most impressive) I don't have the skill or intestinal fortitude to go that way just the same. I hope to put some planking pics to my build log this Christmas weekend. Cheers Mark
  7. I'm guessing this kit doesn't come with instructions. Cheers Medic
  8. Thanks for the feedback Joe, Having yet to "break mine in" I like hearing someone else's positive feedback. Medic
  9. Thanks GuntherMT, So here is an image of the one I've ordered. It may be known by another name however this is what the website I got it from called it. Essentially it's an elongated vice with aluminium jaws which will take longer lengths of timber. You can position the planks on an angle and shave until you have the desired angle...........or there abouts. I got mine from the modellers Shipyard Cheers Medic
  10. Hey all, So while I'm waiting for Santa to bring me a timber vice and therefore make the process of tapering planks easier (or so the story goes) I thought I would work on some of the deck furnishings/fixtures which was actually quite fun. I even made some extra parapet bitts out of off cuts so I can take the pick of the litter when the time comes. Now I think I'll turn my attention to the anchors. Cheers Medic
  11. Thanks Toni I've had a look at the site, fantastic and am going to join. Cheers Medic
  12. Evening all, So before I begin to commence my planking has anyone got any tips and or tricks that I should be aware of in terms of ensuring I have a nice clean line to the ends of my planks especially where they terminate along the bow. Or is placement not so important and I should rely on good old fashion sanding. Cheers Medic
  13. Thanks to every for their help, don't get me wrong I love this site and am quite IT Savvy, but there just something about having a magazine on the work bench. Maybe it's a hangover from my historical miniatures days Cheers. Medic
  14. Thanks guys, I was at my local newsagents the other day and saw Model Railroader a monthly publication for train buffs, Fine Scale Models for the plastic kit Buffs, and even Figure International for the Miniature Buffs. All these publications also have some on-line medium, so I began to think what of those in this hobby that aren't IT Savvy? The closest I've come to is a publication called Marine Modelling International which is a fine publication but has a significant amount of remote control content not necessarily everyone's thing. Call me old fashion but I still like the idea reading print publications So my question still remains is my search in vain, or am I to rely purely on reference books? Cheers Medic
  15. Morning all, As I'm new to ship building I was wondering if anyone out there can advise on a model magazine specific to model ship building, and have they found it useful ( it would be helpful if it's a publication I can get in Australia). Cheers Medic
  16. Hey Woodmeister, I still find a use for wood glue for bits I want plenty of working time with, but I've been having success with CA gel (superglue). But be warned she sets fast! Cheers Medic
  17. Hello all, So I'm new to the hobby having commenced approximately two weeks ago, and this is my first new post of my very first kit. So strap yourself in for the thrills and excitement that is HMS Racehorse by Medic. I've attached the bulkheads to the keel and as the manufacturers plans suggest the fairing is only required on the first and second bulkhead. I was of the belief that nearly all the bulkheads required some level of fairing. Has anyone else out there done this kit and what was their experience. Cheers Medic
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