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About KeithAug

  • Birthday 05/27/1953

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  • Location
    Sussex, England.
  • Interests
    Sailing, Naval History, Model Ship Building, Model Steam Engine Building. Maisie walking - she is top left.

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  1. Keith,


    You have done such a great job on your mods to your Brynes Saw that I am interested in your thoughts on a modification I would like to make.  I have the Brynes high fence and bought an extra to add a sacrificial wood higher fence to .  I am about to drill this out and tap it to accept the height extension but thinking further ahead I would like to add a slot or some other means to employ hold downs.  Maybe some form of "T" slot.  Have you given this any thought?  




    1. KeithAug


      Dear Bill


      Once or twice over the last year I have wanted to mill a slot in the end of a longer piece of wood. Here a higher fence might have helped but I managed by clamping the plank to a square block of wood to keep the plank square to the table. Because I don't find much need for a higher fence I haven't given much thought to fence modifications.   However I would be interested to know how you get on as   its always good to see other good ideas.



    2. Bill Tuttle

      Bill Tuttle



      Thanks for the quick reply, will let you know if I make any progress.



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