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    mrshanks reacted to DocBlake in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    Looking great, Don!  The snow would have made me sick too, but I'm also retired and so it really represents an opportunity to spend more time in the shipyard.  I spent the day yesterday dismantling our garden and doing other yard work.  I'd rather be working on my models!
  2. Like
    mrshanks reacted to WackoWolf in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    You guys can keep the snow.
  3. Like
    mrshanks reacted to mikiek in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    The build just gets better and better looking!
    Had a cold front here today - low=60F/hi=80F  Brrrrr
  4. Like
    mrshanks reacted to donrobinson in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    These are showing her with the wales complete and with two coats of paint. Probably three more coats of paint and some touch ups on the hull and I will be able to finally start the planking of the deck and all it's furniture.
    Take Care
  5. Like
    mrshanks reacted to donrobinson in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    Normally waking up to this would have made me sick......but now I am retired so what this means now is more boat building   . I am fairly sure yard work is done for the season so the shipyard will be in full swing now, hopefully.
     I have been fairly busy working on the Trabaccolo although what I have to show does not really show it. I have installed all the wales on both sides and have now started to paint the lower ones. The wales were two strakes of 1.5 x 5 mm(grey) and then 3 strakes of .5 x 5 mm(blue).
     The first two strakes of 1.5 mm went on with little problems, the .5 mm strakes required me to do some spiling at the stern and some minor tapering at the bow on the last strake.

     The procedure for spiling was to apply tape on top of last strake, trace outline on tape, apply tape to card stock and cut out, then trace outline on veneer and cut with scroll saw. Tape was added to veneer to prevent splintering. I trimmed excess using drum sander on mill, the use of the clip is very helpful when sanding .5 mm stock, it helps prevent it from bending and twisting. Final shaping was done by hand. There was a total of six spiled planks
  6. Like
    mrshanks reacted to Canute in Fair American 1780 by DocBlake - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/48 scale - POF   
    Think I'll follow along, too, Dave. I have an MS version in the stash, so hope to pick up some tips along the way.
  7. Like
    mrshanks reacted to DocBlake in Fair American 1780 by DocBlake - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/48 scale - POF   
    I completed the keel and deadwood assembly.  All the parts are cherry, except the false keel which is rosewood.  There are 27 individual parts making up this assembly.  Next is gluing up the frames.  The hull will be framed Hahn style, and the frames themselves are sistered - just as they were in the "Patrick Henry".  There are 37 frames in all:  19 full frames, 9 pairs of half frames and 9 pairs of cant frames.

  8. Like
    mrshanks reacted to donrobinson in Batelina by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:10   
    Frank: Thanks for that, she took me 2 1/2 weeks to build I'm not sure how many hours it was but she is a kit I would highly reccomend
  9. Like
    mrshanks reacted to Seventynet in Batelina by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:10   
    Thanks for sharing Don. The fleet is growing fast.
    By the way I like the spread. I can see why it takes so much of your time.
    Best, Ian
  10. Like
    mrshanks reacted to donrobinson in Batelina by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:10   
    Completed, and as promised here are some outside pictures:

    Here is my fleet

    My newly seeded grass

    This is what my dog plants in the grass for me

    and what I picked up today, notice the one in the middle.....I didn't see it in time


     Well that is it for this log. Thanks to all who stopped by and I hope you all enjoyed
    Time for more ship building
  11. Like
    mrshanks reacted to donrobinson in Batelina by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:10   
    First up is Thanks Ian, Joe and Dave for your comments and Thanks to all for your likes
    Well she is done and I can say I am impressed with the outcome.
     Towards the end of the build I was getting a lot of childhood memories of fishing at the river and the many trips I had made. It is with these memories I made the fishing poles as these are exactly what I used.
    The first trip to the river every year you rode your bike with pockets full of line and hooks to the river. Upon arrival the next thing was to find a river willow branch to use as a pole, tie your line to it, wrap it around the branch add a hook and bobber and you were ready to fish. It was in reality the most primitive level of fly fishing you could imagine. Trying to cast the line, hook and bobber into the water without snagging trees, friends or anything else within a thirty foot radius was beyond challenging. Heck we had hook pierced ears and lips before it was cool.
     It was always my dream to have a little boat to get my hook to that “special” spot in the river, where it was impossible to get to from the shore. And with the Batelina being 4 meters long she would have been a virtual yacht in my eyes. Along with this thought was to have something to hold your poles while laying back and dreaming of something even bigger and better. Bigger and better really meant to have a real lure and not just a single hook with a worm on it, so I made a couple of those for my poles also.
     What you are looking at is what my childhood dream would have been. I mean really can you not imagine yourself in this little baby, laid back, fishing and no devices. Like I am talking about before eight tracks, vinyl was the king (and still is) and man only looked at the moon. Only thing I wanted to walk on was the muddy river bank and search for the lost Spanish gold (didn’t know back then there was no Spanish conquistadors in Canada  ), hey we were Indiana Jones before he was even born.
      Building the Batelina has brought back these memories for me and I hope that reading my log brings back some memories for you also.
    Thank You All for stopping in,
    Take Care 

     Drilling out and cutting off the rod holders, a job virtually impossible without a $1200 lathe  

    The fishing poles and the start of the fish box, never really needed anything like this for fish, but you never knew when you might run into some treasure of sorts

    As she sits now with poles, lures,holders, fish box, filleting knife and spare spool of line. The anchor is unsecured at the moment as I am waiting for some line coming from Syren.
     I want to get some outside pictures and will post them, but will have to wait until rain stops.
  12. Like
    mrshanks reacted to DocBlake in Fair American 1780 by DocBlake - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/48 scale - POF   
    Thanks, guys!  I have Halifax and Kingfisher also.  The only LSS kit I'm missing is Fubbs!
    Bill:  She is 19" from the beakhead to the taffrail, with a 5-1/2" beam amidships.
  13. Like
    mrshanks reacted to DocBlake in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    Good job, Elijah.  You are really making progress.
  14. Like
    mrshanks reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    No, just an unpainted scale reference !
  15. Like
    mrshanks reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    Hello again! I have finished the launching ways, traveler, and wheelhouse. Next up is the cockpit, wheel, and companionway. The wheelhouse is a block of wood that has been shaped and painted. The blocks are given their color with a minwax stain pencil, by rubbing it on them, and then rubbing them between my palms, spreading the "stain" all over the blocks. The traveler is a piece of wood with a slot carved into it, glued to two wires for legs. I only have a couple pictures right now, but here they are.

    Until next time!
  16. Like
    mrshanks reacted to genericDave in Bluenose by genericDave - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64 Scale   
    Main Rail Repainted
    Well, I think that worked out.  I've now got some nice, bright white rails.
    I'll need to touch up a few spots, and I still need to paint the outboard side of the monkey board black, but I'm going to give the paint another day to fully cure before I start masking stuff off again.

  17. Like
    mrshanks reacted to RGL in IJN Yamato by RGL - FINISHED - Tamiya - 1/350 - PLASTIC   
    I reckon I have done enough on the hangars now as I intend to park about 3 aircraft in there and you wont see much. Ive ordered some perforated steel beams which I will need for the boat hangars which run on both sides of the hangar and alongside the main rear gun.
    I can pretty much make this up as there are no references anywhere.

  18. Like
    mrshanks reacted to RGL in IJN Yamato by RGL - FINISHED - Tamiya - 1/350 - PLASTIC   
    Moving on with the aircraft hangar, the etch is applied, with 1mm railings. Not much of this will be visible.

  19. Like
    mrshanks reacted to RGL in IJN Yamato by RGL - FINISHED - Tamiya - 1/350 - PLASTIC   
    After the unnecessary frustration of lower hull, the aircraft and boat hangars have to be done next, the is no way around it any very little reference to it. Not much is visible and the back of the ship has a lot of photo etch details but the first step is the hangar doors which on the new tool have to be cut in half to show them open. The last photo shows what a bit of aftermarket rivet lines can do and how they compare to the old tool.
    The flyhawk upgrade includes these doors buy Pontos does not. They should look ok after some paint.

  20. Like
    mrshanks reacted to RGL in IJN Yamato by RGL - FINISHED - Tamiya - 1/350 - PLASTIC   
    The lower hull comes in two parts for some unknown reason and has a huge gap. I had to be careful in the use of putty to avoid losing the detail of the armor plates.
    You can see the difference in detail between the old and the new tool kit.
    One joined the use of a piece of wood to bracket the brass rods that will be used as stands and the addition of the shafts.

  21. Like
    mrshanks reacted to Sunsanvil in IJN Yamato by RGL - FINISHED - Tamiya - 1/350 - PLASTIC   
    Have you considered adding....

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  23. Like
    mrshanks reacted to RGL in IJN Yamato by RGL - FINISHED - Tamiya - 1/350 - PLASTIC   
    That was always my thinking Robin, this kit is a big elephant to eat and has been done all over the Internet so there is a lot of other build logs.
    Research and photos of the original have a LOT of experts commenting on this and that and some forums are quite robust in their arguments. I'm open to suggestions as I like to do things with a fair bit of detail, so if anyone finds photos please place them on my log, I mean it.
  24. Like
    mrshanks reacted to RGL in IJN Yamato by RGL - FINISHED - Tamiya - 1/350 - PLASTIC   
    The new tool V the old tool and the comparative size for the Dreadnought.
  25. Like
    mrshanks reacted to RGL in IJN Yamato by RGL - FINISHED - Tamiya - 1/350 - PLASTIC   
    OK, I'll make a start on my next build log.
    The 1/350 Tamiya (new tool) Yamato with Pontos upgrade set and numerous other bits and pieces.
    Those of you that have watched some of my other builds have obviously figured out I like the aftermarket stuff.
    That being said the kit is enormous, compared to my last build.
    I also got a cheap old took kit off ebay for painting practice when I get around to buying an airbrush.

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