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About ioanniz

  • Birthday 04/19/1979

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  1. Hello,i build now this kit of OCCRE San Ildefonso.I make now the deck planking. I am in the second deck,but the planks 1mmX3mmX700mm isn't enough for all decks...i need more planks...is that happent in your ship IoannisZ ?

  2. hello sjors, yes it was my choice to copper the hull, and i know you have finished san ildefonso i have read your topic 1000000 times
  3. well...today I finished copper plating the hull and the rudder, and I applied a first coat of blue patina, the result after one hour was this
  4. and some photos of the copper plating, i used copper tape and a riveting tool to simulate the copper plates, this weekend i finished one side
  5. and some photos of the paint job, as you noticed i decided to add aftermarket cannoports cause i had a majot problem to build the frames perfectly square
  6. Hello guys, i started this ship at January 2016 and after a long brake period i decided to finish it here are some photos of the progress so far
  7. hello to everyone. i am thinking to give a try to make more realistic sails for my San Ildefonso i have the sails plans from the kit and scanned images from the book ''The Seventy-Four Gun Ship by Jean Boudriot Vol.3'' fortunately i know how to use photoshop, so i tried to resize the images from the book to my kit plans but i see a lot of differences to the proportions of the sails. when the bottom of the sail is 37.5cm the top is a lot shorter (no1 & no2)....so i tried to distort the sail from the book to meet the proportions of the kit sail..... i really dont know how to continue, if a leave the correct proportions do i have to make shorter yards ? should i continue with distorted sail ?? sorry for my English, i dont know if you can understand me well...
  8. I reaaly liked the brichwood black brass, in the midlle i rubbed it with paper after a one minute bath, and on the right side i rubbed it with steel wool
  9. hi ! do you remember if there was a parts list in the box ? i didnt found it in my box ​
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