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Everything posted by Jparsley

  1. Jerry have a great vacation Your girl turned out splendid for a simple quick build you definitely made her look like a dream Great job on her and can't wait to see what other magic you start
  2. Serving I guess is what I meant but thanks for the info guys I'll look up the link
  3. Working on 1798 USF constellation
  4. Ok I may have missed a post based on this but forgive me if I have How far down a shroud should you seize your rope or do you seize the entire one Thanks for any advice
  5. It is so good to see you back Looking great love the little square plates you anchored the canons down with great idea Can you get a close up of how you secured your coranades Great job tom
  6. Thank you tom I take yours as inspiration I decided to make my cabin peices out of wood and just a bit larger so they would fit better and match the wood of the ship I'll post pictures of them soon
  7. Not much to report on other than used a polycrylic sealer on the bottom part of the hull I think I'm going to start on the upper gun ports so I can say that's done instead of using the little undersized cabin extensions on the rear of the ship I'm going to fabricate some from wood we will see how that turns out
  8. She's looking like a ship of war I hope she meets some critics eyes so far I'm happy with her but if anyone has something to add Please let me know I am looking for great ideas to make a better ship thanks all
  9. Oh it gets better almost have one side done I'll post tomorrow if I can I'm getting excited
  10. Absolutely marvelous jerry She turned out to be a handsome ship
  11. Ok guys the fear is gone the job is done the lower gun deck ports are cut and framed yippee Now for a few canons and I'll be ready to put the decks on and actually have something that resembles a ship
  12. Ok sorry about the delay but life gets in the way of fun One side done on lower gun ports Got a few canons made up hope they pass inspection
  13. Jerry that's a fine boat you have there so far Leif would be proud
  14. My names Jeff your more than welcome to use it There are so many strangely shaped cannons do you know of anyone that sales 1:85 scale people
  15. Thank you everyone for your kind words and advice it is all very much appreciated
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