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Everything posted by Jparsley

  1. Very nice build so far Looking like a lot of good details
  2. Started working on more of my railing The more that goes on and the tighter the space the busier it gets but man she starts looking more like a ship I can picture myself walking her decks Neat feeling
  3. I do believe this is the first solid hull build I've followed I believe I would be very uncomfortable carving into something Lord knows it wouldn't look like yours She is looking lovely Can't wait to see her grow up
  4. Tamiya paint never heard of it I've looked at Michael Hobby lobby and hobby town no one carries it or Vallejo Where can you get these
  5. Silver cannon balls what's that lol Mine were all rusted up and looked very old I used them on mine Not pretty but they worked Like you I've had a lot of life things that have kept me from making much progress Thanks for the complement I love the way yours is coming out keep it up She is looking wonderful
  6. I use the same bender took a few planks to get the hang of it but it works well Also if you have any raised areas wet your plank and use the rounded end and iron out kinks just don't discolor the planks lol She is looking great
  7. Wow Tom It's good to see you back once again I have to say she's pretty Can you take a picture of where the rigging for your long boat is secured my plans don't even show it I can't wait to start all the lovely chain plates it makes her so much more Hummmmmm busy looking lol I'm still no where near where you are in your build but trying to pretty up some of the things I've already done Once again it's good to see your posts again Good job love the anchor chains where did you get them
  8. Can't wait to see more She sounds a little complicated for my skill level
  9. Honestly I think the candle holders look nice with her good solid base good hight I wouldn't change it unless you feel it needs it Your girl is a beauty love how she's turning out
  10. Hello everyone Hope life's treating everyone well I was able to get a little time in tonight to work on the old girl I didn't like how I did the rope work on the walk ways on the lower gun deck so I redid them with a thicker black thread that came in the kit since I won't be using it for the rigging Placed the tedious little shot balls in their racks Hope she is looking descent I know she isn't museum quality but for my first build I think she is coming along If anyone has ideas please let me know Thanks for the interest Jeff
  11. Welcome aboard Great little ship you have there Can't wait to see her grow up
  12. Thank you everyone that has followed my build This lady was made for my daughter with love Even thought she isn't perfect I've tried to do a good job on her This girl offered me the chance to tackle my first attempt at masts rigging and sail making Able to use my serving machine for the first time to help make rope curls Thank you all again for your encouragement and liked
  13. She's starting to look better Almost finished with the body next is the mast rigging and furniture
  14. That I have to say is wonderful piece of engenering well done
  15. Saw this in the store and figured my little girl needed a more grown up boat than the dingy Sorry for the late build on the log but figured up to this point everyone gets the point I find the most interesting is they tell you to glue the rudder to the stern post Didn't sit well with me so I tried a little engenering Hope it looks good to you guys
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