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Everything posted by Jparsley

  1. That makes a lot of sense Wasn't trying to criticize just was wondering if I was missing something You do have a beautiful ship I'm jealous
  2. Mark I've been up over 24 hours so I hope my lack of sleep hasn't clouded my judgement of perception
  3. Ok Tom after yanking that goofy cabin off and inspecting it I realized that the cabin placement wasn't the issue I had the wood planks going at the wrong angle So like any true hobbiest I pulled off the old planks and straightened them out They are drying at the moment but I will post better pictures of my stern shortly
  4. good luck and mind if I tag along? she's looking to be a pretty fun build
  5. Popeye she is a beautiful build how do you have time to work n so many projects and have such quality work come out of them I never really liked the look of the half moon on the web sites She didn't catch my eye but yours is wonderful and made me rethink about her. Your little lady has inspired me to maybe take her on sometime Good work
  6. Thanks mark Already torn off and contemplating how to build it up the top will be hard to sand down but the bottom I know I can build back up little wood little vanier and a little cursing I think I can do it lol Busy the next few days but I'll post a corrected version in a few days thanks for the extra eyes
  7. I see what you mean it is a little off ill see what I can do wit it Thanks mark
  8. Ok thanks didn't know what to call them I knew they were to tie off the mainsail But noticed they weren't on yours is it something your adding later looking at my plans to try to figure out what I'm wanting to tackle next lol to many things to many things my brain is spinning
  9. Hey tom was looking back through your log on the stern the plans show two beams looks like davits that stick out at angled from the rear of the galleries I noticed yours does not have them was that intentional or did you miss it I personally think it looks cleaner without them not sure what purpose they have other than to maybe tie the mizzen yard too?
  10. wouldn't be called the red dragon without some red wings now would it?
  11. Ok guys fixed that little annoying star on the left galley wall Installed the pre made windows took a little light bending to help match the curvature but they are on Also installed the what do you call them the frames on each of the gun ports on the bulwarks Tell me what y'all think
  12. Ok been doing a little work on the railings and the stern I know the stern is off a little I plan to go back and work on that later
  13. I have to say those look good enough to go it a kitchen Great job
  14. Hello just came across your build. I have to say at 68 and your first ever build especialy on an advanced build kit your doing a marvolous job. best of luck with the rest of your build.
  15. Tom she is looking wonderful I'm not to that point but can't wait to tie a billion knots I love to see your lady coming into her rightful beauty Great job
  16. see that's the problem in am having Mark. there just isn't any good references to the 1797 build all the draft designs are destroyed and only a few letters here and there describing its build are left. there really isn't any tangible information of how she was originally built and outfitted. I would love to have her look as close to her original build but alas I don't think I will be able to do that. I don't really want a hybrid but I think I am stuck with it. there are a lot of people on here a lot more familiar with her history but I just don't have the knowledge back ground. I've read several books that mention her history and what she did while in service but nothing that helps with the look of her. I think the next build I do will be a more documented ship and not one from someone's gestamated design. in a lot of ways I am more of a realist when it comes to projects.
  17. Mark I think she is taking shape well Not sure what the original looks like but everything seems to have smooth and sleek lines the way you brought those around the stern without buckling is a feat all in itself great job
  18. Thank you guys I will definitely give that a try Did not like how it turned out
  19. ok I have the artisania latina us constellation 1/87 scale ship I am wanting to add davits and the two life boats that hang on the rear sides of the ship but the kit does not include plans for them but from all the old pictures ive seen of her she was originally equipped with them like the constitution was any ideas if the davits should be 55mm or 45mm and what kind of boats should I get and from what company hard to determine since the original plans for the ship were destroyed and only a rebuilt ship exists please any ideas would be very helpful
  20. Thanks guys for the comments slow going as of late but trying to improve on what I've built I could use all the suggestions you could give. Having some issues building the railings (top rails). The wood isn't wanting to keep shape. I've used supper hot water, bending iron and a lot of hand pressure. After getting it in shape it tends to straighten out as it dries even glued down I noticed after a few hours it has stretched the glue and lost its bend. Kind of irritating. Oh well. Guess ill just keep after it. I'm thinking my next effort will be to build the front supports off the bow. Not too sure what its called looks like a cage. if anyone has any suggestions as im building please tell.
  21. Ok Let's see I decided to go with the pseudo tree nailing look on my upper decks Used a very sharp pencil to make little indented marks Think she looks a little better this way She's not perfect but learning as I go
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