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Everything posted by G.L.

  1. Indeed a clear and spacy workshop. It will be a real pleasure to work there.
  2. Thanks Pawel, and I agree with Jim: superb build! ​Greetings, Geert
  3. Hello Pawel, What kind of sawblade did you use to saw the grooves for the gratings? Grts, Geert
  4. Thank you administrator for access to the download area and thank you tkay11 and Pete38 for the welcomes and all the others for the likes. I will try to make an interesting blog of it. First thing I did when I was in town was going to a copy-center to make scale 200% copies of a part of the plans and now I am thinking about the approach of the project. I hope to come soon with a first report of progress.
  5. Dear Administrator and forum members, Today I started my cross section project. I want to build my model in oak and in scale 1/24. Making the keelson and keel is not such a big deal, just sawing the pieces to the right dimensions. To make the rabbet in the keel, I made a scraper out of an old iron saw blade. First I sawed a groove on the location of the rabbet in the keel, afterwards I sharpened it with the scraper.
  6. Hello Mehmet, On the last posted pictures of your model the model looks more worn out than the boat named Aksona. Although with the paint and the replacement plank, the model looks genuine and realistic. I would say: go on, just don't exaggerate. I like your work! Happy New year G.L.
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