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About aydingocer

  • Birthday 01/01/1974

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    Helsinki, Finland

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  1. Build day 168: 1,5 hrs / Total 351 hours Photo 892: Main mast crowsfeet is complete (more conveniently than the earlier ones thanks to Glenn's note above). Moving to next step, the backstays. This brings us the 907th step in the construction manual. This is the progress on my rigging. Green=complete, Yellow=current:
  2. Starting from outer end felt more convenient at first glance and that's how I did, never thought of the other way :). But now when I think of it, starting from inside and moving outwards will make easier to do the finishing knot. I will try your way with the Main Mast crowsfeet
  3. Build day 167: 1 hr / Total 349,5 hours Today I continued with the Foremast Crowsfeet. This time I wanted to take the photos of each step and share the entire process. I will be happy if it serves as a guide to those who build similar. Except for the block structure on the stay, the structure uses a single thread. I used a mirror stick to see the whole better when inserting the thread from under. It helped a lot. Here are the photos: Photos 872-891: View from under:
  4. Build day 166: 1,5 hrs / Total 339,5 hours Crowsfeet. I have never rigged a crowsfeet until now. It took me some time to gather my courage. I start with the one on the Mizzen mast. The photos show the progress. Overall I am happy with the result. Photos 870-872:
  5. Having recovered my hand surgery (nothing too serious), now it is time to resume my project. It has been a while and I have realised I had really missed it.
  6. Photos 864 - 868: Fore Preventer Stay Tackle (the one on the starboard) construction.
  7. Build day 164: 2,5 hrs / Total 335,5 hours Photos 859-862: Continued with 2 main stay elements, including the blocks hanging on one of them. Took 2,5 hours.
  8. Build days 161-163: 3 hrs / Total 333 hours Photos 852-858: Main and Main Preventer Stay Tackles. They have similar construction to Main Stay and Fore Hatch Tackles, (the latter are scheduled for later). They use 2xM, 1xL and 1xPE-67 and B thread (0,25mm natural). The two systems are otherwise identical. Photos show the construction process and finally installed in place.
  9. Photos 846-851: Rest of the rigging, with a snapshot of the plan to give you an idea what I am doing:
  10. Build day 160: 1 hr / Total 330 hours Hand is better, now resuming my build little by little. Moving on to Main Mast Stays after having completed the Mizzen Mast Stays. Moving top to bottom, next it is the Main Topgallant Mast Stay: Photos 843-845: Rigging the collar around the mast
  11. I know I haven't been around for a while. I injured a finger beginning of the summer and it is still recovering. Can't wait to resume!
  12. Build day 159: 1 hr / Total 329 hours Photo 841: With the below, Mizzen stays are complete (except the Crowsfeet which come later). Photo 842: I noticed the instructions for how to loop the thread around the masts too late for Mizzen stays. I had made them my own way (check the photo above), though not looking too bad. I hope to follow the instructions for the Fore and Main stay collars.
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