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Everything posted by firdajan

  1. Thank you, my friends, thank you, for your replies Matti: it´s not comparable - there are two different ways, how to get a hull of ship. Simply said - with wood is much more work, and in my opinion the wooden model is in absolutely other level than cardmodel. And the rest of ship - the work is the same in both ways, I´m also using wooden masts and yards, ropes, etc. BTW, if you know my older projects - I´m mainly the scratchbuilder, and I´m working with plans for wooden kits ( Mary Rose is the exemption - this is my own project simply absolutely from nothing ) As I said, I start with the final surface. Pictures says more. Now I have to cut out the foil in places of gunports, and patine the hull because of planking effect. You will see. Jan btw, the last pictures is my collection ( just hull of the Golden Hind and Sovereign are missing )
  2. Thanks, Anja So, my friends, I did some work on the ship last days ( sorry, mainly nights ). I glued on the rest of bottom parts of the hull shape, then used a little bit of putty mainly for contact places and drastically ground it up. Then I painted the hull with the glue for a card I´m using - the hull is stronger then. Yesterday I finally glued the upper original parts. Who knows me, know, what will be next, I will improve the final part of the hull using strips of foil to make a planking effect. Jan
  3. Thank you, friends Stevinne: you´ve never seen? I ´ve build several ships, and all hulls of all of them are made from card. Try to look here ( I just have a report from these ones ): http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1120-la-couronne-by-firdajan-card-1636-196/?hl=couronne http://www.papermodelers.com/forum/ships-watercraft/7233-mary-rose-1511-1-96-a.html http://www.papermodelers.com/forum/ships-watercraft/5326-ark-royal-1587-1-96-a.html Some little problems appears. Because I built this ship some years ago, and there were some mistakes, I supposed they are solved in this reprint of the kit. They aren´t. Parts are just redrawed into Q3 format and textures are improwed in a better way. After cutting out of upper parts of the first layer of the hull shell I tried to fit the on it´s place...and they didn´t fit ( as some years ago ) So I had to fit them by edges of decks, some gunports and by inner part of the railing on the aft. Then I had to slightly improve other parts of the railing too Now it looks quite good. Then I start with the second layer of the hull shape - but now I was more careful and cut out it from the copy. The second layer has thickness cca 0,9 mm and it is possible to glue parts by edges and points - then they doesn´t work and the result is much more better. Yesterday I start with oter parts of the second layer. As I maybe mentioned, I will grind the hull until smooth. For upper decorated parts of the hull I will use original parts for sides and bottom of the ship I will use strips of foil. I´ll try to make the planking effect Jan
  4. Thanks Matti Gun carriages for the interior are completed. In my opinion they are produced too complicated - you will see just front of them through gunports. Shipyard could produce them just from four parts only ( as in some later kits ). All of them are recoloured. Upper parts of the hull shape will follow Jan
  5. Thank you Matti I glued the bottom part of first layer of the hull shape. I glued 5 mm strips of the paper on ribs before ( it´s very useful ). Now I have to cut out and glue some gun carriages and glue them into the ship. Jan
  6. Hello my friends, As the next ship I decided to build the famous english galleon built in 1577 Revenge, flagship of the sir Francis Drake during the Armada campaign in 1588 and mostly famous for his last fight with the spanish fleet in 1591 ( she was under command of Richard Grenville ).I think that´s no necessary to explain more about this ship Now I decided not to build the ship from scratch, but I decided for the Shipyard model of this ship, re-released last year. I alredy built this ship fro mte 1st release in 2009 - it was my first ship model after a very long pausem and because I love ships from this age, after re - releasing of this model I had no doubt about the next ship in my collection I started the build immediately after receiving of the kit. The frame of the ship is laser cutted, but there are no all of the necessary parts cutted, several of them you have to cut out personally. You can see it on 2,3,4 th picture. Until today I completed the frame including decks, today I´d like also to grind the hull ( it´s necesarry - some parts are printed with excesses an because of 90 degrees of angles ). There are some little mistakes in some parts as they were in the old one, but nothing special. Here are pics. Jan
  7. Dear friends, Here is the last set of photos I took today at dusk. Enjoy them. See you at the next build Jan
  8. Thank you, my friends, thank you Mark: be sure My living room is slowly changing to my personal maritime museum ( and my wife is still quite tolerant and patiient ) Jan
  9. Thanks, Chuck, I´m glad that model is nice to you And, you´re right - it is. I´m adding some more pictures of the finished model. Nexttime I´ll try to take some pictures of the ship during twilight, but I have to wait for a better weather. Jan.
  10. Dear friends, Today I can to say – the progress on the flagship of the french fleet from 1636, La Couronne, is after two years finished Short resume: I started this build in april 2011. I used plans for this ship from Corel, but shortly after beginning I found out that they have a lot of mistakes – so just after finishing of the shell of the hull I started to combinate the ship from cca 5 - 6 plans I discovered / had / received from friends. There´s no Picture, no drawing, no engraving of this ship. There´s just one engraving from abbe Fournier, displaying probably Le Grand Saint Louis built cca 10 years ago by dutch for french, and one Picture of similar ship from Cornelius Van Vries I found out. I couldn´t find any other more exactlies pictures. Gradually I improved gunports positions, armament, decoration ( I can say I overworked it TOTALLY ), galion design, rigging, masts and yards – so sail I had to design directly for this ship. But I succesfully always found out some compromisses – and the ship is finished - although it´s quite different from any other Couronnes I know. Maybe someone will find a little inspiration from this build I´d like to say Thank You to all of you for your support and encouragements – it means a lot for me. cog: as I said to prutser, I have my own method - I´m rolling them from the soft paper using pin/wire thin nail....It´s hard to describe, better could be photos from progress, maybe during next build. Blocks are made from paper, hardened by superglue All parts on the ship except yards, masts, ropes and decoration / except fleur de lis / are made from paper, surface of the hull and decks is made from foil. Michael: I believe, I produced and used more than 500 blocks and deadeyes of different types. Today was quite nice day afternoon, so I tried to take some better photos. I´m not a photographer, but I hope these pictures will be nice to you. Jan
  11. Thank you, my friends for your comments I add all knots and placed them ( quite interesting work, because ship is full of all already ), produced and placed flags ( jus one is missing - I found out I don´t have a material for flagstaff at home today ) So just a few things is necessary to do ( to place the last flag, anchors, make a galion figure and several small things )- and ship will be finished. To prutser: fleur de lis - I printed them simply on the drawing paper and cut them out each one. Other decorations are made from modurit ( it´s the same material which Doris is using too ), for simply shapes I used simple preparatios (squares, rings ) figures are made each solo for its places. And for guns I have my own method - I´m rolling them from the soft paper....It´s hard to describe, better could be photos from progress...maybe sometime nexttime. Jan
  12. And next pictures present ship as she looks today. Running rigging is finished ( Maybe I somewhere forgot some piece of rope...who know... ), sails are fixed. Now I have to prepare and fix knots, prepare oars into boats, make galion figure, flags, and put some little pieces on its places. This month I´d like to finish the ship. It´s a pity that the original thread is lost because it included 11 of these long pages full of photos but I hope I provide you at least partial report from this building. Nexttime with flags Jan
  13. ...and I could start with running rigging finally......
  14. Then I could start with upper parts of the ship masts, tops
  15. Then I made some fleurs de lis and glued them on the ship
  16. As next step I made guns and fixed them to gunports
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