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Everything posted by firdajan

  1. Thank you, Max A lot of things I learned from Doris. Here are some photos of progress I did before the finish: some swivel guns are made, anchors, boat and oars are placed finally, construction for the roof above the balcony is finished ( I will not to do the roof - there are many engravings of ships just with construction - and it looks better for me ). and I tried to make the galion figure Final photos will be very soon Jan
  2. The rigging is finished, chainplates too. The finishing work still continues Jan
  3. Thanks Mark. Sails are on the ship. Now I can continue with the second part of running rigging. And, of course with many little things to finish the ship Jan
  4. Hi Matti ( and all of my friends ) Sorry for the late answer, I´m quite busy at the beginning of this year. Sails are finisher and ready for completing. Two of them are hand painted by me - but not completely by my ideas... I hope to hang them through the next week. Jan
  5. First part of running rigging is completed. Now I have to prepare sails and sew them. Anchors are finished - just hang up them. Enjoy pictures Jan
  6. I wish you happy new year, my friends Yards are finished, completed and hanged. Now I can continue with first part of running rigging. Jan
  7. Thanks friends Christmas time is over - and standing rigging is done, finally. I´ve just started with yards, completing another blocks...etc... Jan
  8. Hello my friends, All parts of masts are completed, shrouds and ratlines are completed too. I´m continuing with anoter parts of standing rigging - I hope to finish and start with yards till the end of this year. I WISH YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS Jan
  9. Thanks, friends I´m slowly continuing, the ship is still growing up. Some stays, all of tops and other parts of masts are added ( it takes quite a lot of time, I fixed four stays all the evening ) Jan
  10. Thank you to all, my friends, for your replies Scott: if you´re enjoying te build, it´still a lot of fun Rick: yes, this is a first time, when I´m building a ship from the kit ( and that´s the reason why I´m building it so quickly ) Next ship will be again a pure scratch ( probably...but who knows..). And, enjoy your Santa Maria I´m very lazy to take photos these days, but I made a little progress with standing rigging, especially with my lovely deadeyes ( you know...). The first row is almost finishhed. Next kilometers of rigging will follow... Jan
  11. That´s exactly what I supposed Excellent job - as always. Jan
  12. Hi Matt, you´re doing a great job with this build, planking is excellent. I´ve never seen anyone to build this ship Jan
  13. Thank you, my friends, for your replies All parts of masts are made and bottom parts of them are placed into the ship ( I made the from maple bars using simply hand drilling machine and abrasive paper ). Tops and all small parts ( including deadeyes and blocks - I have remained a lot of them from my previous build ) are made too. Now the progress will continue quite quickly. It´s just the same routine as on any other ship model Jan
  14. Thanks Ian, several years ago, when I started wid shipbuilding again, I searched for solution, how to buid a solid cannons from paper ( I didn´t start with kit, but I started as a scratchbuilder ). I think I found it, it works perfectly Here are some photos of the ship with gunport lids Momentary I´m a " masts producer " Jan
  15. Thanks Ray I had some problems with my computer, but I´ve been still continuing - all of cannons are made, and almost all of them are placed except of upper decks. I didn´t use parts from the kit, because I wanted to produce solid cannons from paper - so I produced them by rolling from the soft paper - aroud the piece of wire of suitable diameter ( my wife is using this type for baking ) I used this way on all of my ships. I also have prepared gunport lids ( today I´ll glue them on te ship ). Some of another small parts are placed too. The hull is almost completed ( except the balcony roofing - I´m still deciding, if to do it, or not ). At the end of the week I will start with masts. Jan
  16. What to say, Matti ? Your craftmanship is unbelievable. These carvings centairly takes a lot of time, but I´m sure the result will be more than perfect. Keep the pictures coming. Still watching Jan
  17. Thanks my friends for your replies I´m still slowly progressing. Some small parts are added ( pin rails, doors etc ), glued capstans, channels and knees. The deck equipment should be finished. Now I can to start with armament and gunport lids. Jan
  18. I made a little progress Ledges aroun grating´s holes are slightly improved, and gratings are made I let the semi - product for gratings cut out by laser to my friend here in Slovakia. I could to make them by myself, but these ones looks much more better . All of channels are also cutted out. And, finally, yesterday evening I started the work on capstans Enjoy pics. Jan
  19. Thank you, Matti. Finally I finished works on absolutely different objects and now I have more time for the ship. During this period I did some progress: the balcony is finished, windows are done, stairs are done and the rest of railing on the maindeck is finished also. Now I´m continuing in producing of another little parts Jan
  20. Now I took a time to read all this thread finally. What to say ? Excellent work, Matti !!! Jan
  21. Hello my friends, I made some progress again The galion is finished. I had to make some improvements because of dimensions of parts, but it quite fits. The rest of wales on upper parts is glued also ( so all of them are there finally ) As the next part I´ve just started balcony - it will be reconstructed - I don´t like the graphics used by shipyard on this parts ( and, by the way, there is something different on the picture at the front of the kit ). As surface finish I used strips of foil. Now I have to produce all of ornaments ( letters E and R, fleurs de lis and flowers ). Why do not complicate some things. I tried to check dimensions of it with the ship - it fits. Jan
  22. Thank you, my friends, for your comments I don´t have a lot of time this summer ( I´m working on absolutely different object ) but I made a little progress. Bottom part of wales is glued, and I started the work on the galion. That´s all at the moment, I hope I´ll do some progress very soon. Jan
  23. Next step is done. The "wooden " part of the hull is patined - and I got the planking effect. The bottom part of the hull is coloured too. Also the inner rails are gglued. The progress is still continuing Enjoy pictures. Jan
  24. Thank youm my friends, for your replies Today I glued handrails I prepared yesterday. the hull is closed now, there are no white places of paper ( except of ornaments ). Enjoy some pictures from today. Jan
  25. Matti: yes, it looks I glued the keel on the ship finally. Now I can to do some color improvements on the hull. Momentary I´m working on handrails Jan
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