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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. It seems that I have found my problem I got a hold model ship ways they say that they've added wood to the Keel into the stern extra wood during the manufacture process so I have to adjust and make ensure that the hull is the same length and width with the templates that I have I'll have to take some off some areas at the front and in about an eighth of an inch at the back will bring it down the size and the width so when I'm done everything should look fine see how it looks when iam done in Popeye the scale is 1/8
  2. I have the templates so I will go through that first but and if I have to use wood filler well that's what I'll use thank you very much for the reply Grandpa
  3. Does the whole look okay or should I call them and try to get a different hole this one looks like a bit of a mess and I don't know if I can save it
  4. Okay here is some of the pictures of where I'm having trouble I got this kit in the pictures I'm going to post is what it was like gouges on the side and just down the back not really sure if that's how it comes but I think there's something wrong I've been trying to figure it out but with no luck if someone could please help me it would be very appreciated
  5. So far the process was not going to good I think there may be something wrong with this whole I'm going to have to put some pictures up this for you guys to get some help
  6. Well this is the build that I'm actually going to complete the Phantom New York pilot boat a solid Hull looks like simple Construction I do have a lot of frame on bulkhead boats I put them aside and decided to start this one and take it right to the end it's much more simpler I should be able to gain a lot more experience stay tuned
  7. hi popeye i took a break i might get back to work on my uss constitution all been well and your self bud
  8. I have a question about the blue nose again can anyone tell me the length of the bow Spirit and the size cuz it does not say it in the book or the plans I just don't see it
  9. thanks cpddet i will have a look at your log this not fun little bit of time allways works in the end thanks again
  10. I don't know what's wrong with this blue nose build nothing seems to be fitting right the top rail I am having one heck of a Time nothing seems to be fitting right
  11. TOk here some work done to the blue nose I got it in black paint lots of coats of clear well it came out looking beautiful
  12. thank you tector and welcome to my build log top rail is not so fun i will leave till after i get it planked then i will work on the top rail
  13. Well I am now starting to put the waterways in the place and get the rest of the framing done and hopefully I can start getting to the plank and Stage leave a comment if you'd like or see something wrong here are some pictures for you
  14. Well good news I figured out that top rail going to start cutting at out Kevin top rail on I'm hoping to start the planking here real soon I still have to fix the rabbit where meets the bearding line first time I've ever done it but I'll get that fixed up and continue on
  15. Thank you for that info I'll get right to that but I have one problem that I'm looking at I need to install the main rail my plans it does not show any pictures that I have to cut the main rail so I'm not sure if it's a straight piece or if it's curved in some sections I figured I could just cut it from the plans and put it on the peace wood cut it out but it does not show that so I'm kind of stuck right there
  16. Best piece of advice I can give you just take your time no need to rush you doing really good so far lots of great people on this form to give you help keep, up the good work
  17. Had a little mishap happened last night cat was jumping around caught the back of the boat and broke it right off so on this boat at the back when building it be very careful because it will break off very easily that's one part of the ship that really needs to be strengthened up first before you work on it at the back at all just letting other people know
  18. So far I've got the bulkheads glued in place it's a slow process what they're all aligned in nice and straight so far so good if you see anything wrong please let me know here are some pictures
  19. so far the build is going well iam working off the plans the instruction book is a bit off it seems to work off the plans is much better modelship ways needs to update the book with the plans and some of the parts do not fit right at all looks like to me i will need cut and made some of my own parts not likeing that part at all lol
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