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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. hello adrieke good to see that u are back in the ship yard . the ship looking real good so far keep up the great work
  2. here in this pic iam putting on some of the raised wales so far its gone well looking good so far there will more done tommorw and the planking is now all done what a job that part is wow here some pic
  3. wow its looking great .rigging will be fun cant wait to see it all done keep up the great work
  4. planking so close to be done iam 4 planks a ways from it wow thats take a long time to get done but iam all most there now i can see the light at the and of the planking stage lol i will post some pic real soon
  5. popeye its looking great now that its in paint keep it going buddy
  6. hello sjors the ship is looking vary good so far keep up the great work as allways
  7. thanks popeye yes iam going copper plate the bottom it should look real good when its all done just have to wait till it come in .but there more to do till then. more pic soon
  8. here is some more pic to wear iam at now hop u all like . this the last of the planking 15 more strips thats will be it for the planking thank god just thot id let u know iam still here lol
  9. hello popeye . all i can say is really good way to go on this build u have done so well keep up the great work
  10. here one more thing that u can do is to take your plans to a place that photocopy the plans just in case u need to cut them that what i did it will help in the later parts of the build. but for now u are doing a good job there keep up the great work robert i will be watching lol . ps i wish my work bench was that clean lol
  11. hello all in this pic u will see i have done some more planking at the mid point i know its a diff kind of wood but it is the same size wood as the walnut. i was short the walnut in the kit so iam strips of wood from constructo thats all my hobby shop can get .so far all is going well i will ad the wales after iam done with the planking stage. is u see something wrong ples let me know thank u all
  12. hello matti that is great work that u are doing iam still going over my plans and doing lot of reading on the wasa to help me out
  13. i see what u mean now looks like to me 1 2 3 ribs need to be sanded to bring it down a bit did u match 1 2 3 ribs to the plans see what it says there dont sand them till u know what to do with them bit of a hard call to make
  14. yes jpett mine is installed there nothing that i can do now some of thos ribs might be to tall but iam not to sure on that if post a pic of that would help to see what is going on so we can help
  15. robert are u talking about the frist deck beeing to high at the bow or the sec deck post a pic of it the way it is as just dry fit it so we can what happening might be a bit of better help ok
  16. thats vary nice ship u got going on there the deck work looks really good kepp up the great work
  17. thank u challenger86 there is no need to rush slow is the best way take your time jpett has a really nice build going on with hes vic as well look at the diff log on the same ship if u can find some books on it that will help as well
  18. i started to tapering some of the planking i have one plank in place. its looking good so far here are some pic of it
  19. thats ice maker looks great never thot of that keep up the great work as all ways
  20. hello challenger i had formatted my computer some of thos pic got lost not to much i can there that was my bad sorry for that
  21. here i forgot i had this when i start my victory build i this make for me this might work for my wasa build let me know what u all think
  22. this a great kit just make sure that u look over the same stuff two times just to be sure take all the time u need to get it right lots of help on the msw if u need it
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