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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. hello mtaylor thanks for the info will give it a try
  2. ok here is the part of the billing slip that is warped this is the part that iam going to get redone
  3. hello matti welcome to the build log i just looked over the billing slip parts and found the part that holds the keel is warped i might have to make a new one for i will post a pic of tommorw
  4. here is the new build thats iam going to start i got this kit used for 300.00 cad i looked over the kit all of it is there this is the 50 anniversary kit that what thay say its comes with billing slip 397 with the kit poeple say not to use but its with the kit so not to sure what to do there here a pic
  5. taz jr thot it was a hotdog but what happen was girlfriend left the door open when she was cleaning she feels really bad about it now as i told its all ok it just a model i can redo it . sjors puppy dinner lol thats a good one hes good dog really is but not when chews all the stuff in the house lol we are working on him not to do that he just that little black lap popeye there will be a new build of the wasa starting real in the next day or two gunther little tazjr will grow up great dog
  6. i have an update its not good news the door was left open to the shop and the little pup thot the boat was a hotdog so ya here some pic of the aftermath of the hotdog this is so bad rest in peace mare nostrum so sad all that work
  7. hello harm no my metal gun ports are not glued in place yet
  8. tys popeye iam going to working on it till its done got the back on it now got to wait till its dry going to work on some more of
  9. here a bit of an update i have add the bulwarks in place now and did some sanding on them there looking good just a bit more still to put the back on next here some pic of what i got done
  10. sjors thanks the frist planks i put on at the start i took them all and did a redo on it thanks for the info on the planking sjors m pajulahti thank u popeye yes i took a bit of break from it then came back to it with a fresh mind and redid the planking
  11. hello adrieke that build is looking really good so far keep up the great work that u are doing
  12. here we are again i have done some more planking so far for my exp in the planking stage its getting better with time. at front of the boat still need work to be done . i have done some sanding to it so far all came out really well i think here are some pic of the build let me know. what u all think if u see something that i have done wrong ples let me know thank u
  13. wow sjors its looking great thats great craftmenship in the work that u do keep up the great work
  14. hello popeye u doing vary well on it now keep up the great work .ps iam doing fine on mine took a bit of a breake on it will get back it real soon
  15. hello mobbise u are right the doorway entrance still need to cut out . there is a rib right where it has to go so i just need to line it up right just so its off to the side of that rib in the middle
  16. this where iam at for now in the pic u will see that i have clean up most of the gun ports thay cam really good so far i have not done the wales yet i want to get some stuff clean up be for i move on with the planking next thing will be to make sure the back cabin line up with the ports let me know what u all think thank u
  17. hello jpett looking good buddy keep up the good work
  18. hello mobbsie its a beautiful master piece u have done a great job on the build
  19. cannoe21 never thot of that tys i will do that for sure befor its to late
  20. hello adrieke looking good so far good to see u are back
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