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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. hello mobbsie yes mobbsie there two much i dont see the light and the end lol from a lot of great poeple on the site say to me this is where u want to go slow thats what iam going to do just take my time. canoe21 put that in to my brain lol thanks buddy.
  2. well popeye u are wel on your way here looking great keep up the great work as aways
  3. hello all here are some pic just to show where iam at still on the planking so far looking good but so far away lol
  4. thank u canoe21 if was not for the msw fourms and the great poeple here to help me i would have not started in this great hobby thank u all for all your great help
  5. hello jpett my mail is all clear now keep up the great work that u are doing
  6. much better then mine keep up the great work
  7. hello jpett here are some pics from a book that i have its called plank on frame models volume 2 from harold a underhill just trying to help here it is the pic are of hms vic scale 1/150 hope it helps
  8. hello jpett this going fun for us lol looking good
  9. vary nice work u have done there cant wait to see it all done
  10. hello mobbsie welcome to my dry dock i never thot of that thanks for the info .i did pre drill the holes in that planks the nails are small
  11. yes the nails that u see in the planks will be filled then the ship will be painted as well u will not see that well i will work on that its just that i had no clamps at all got to save some more money lol
  12. here we go in the pic u will see that iam working on the right side did some more planking so far all is well still have a lot of clean up to do on the gun ports here some pic let know wht u all think
  13. u have done such a great job on the wasa i have the billing wasa . keep up the great work that u are doing
  14. here u can see i got some planks on so far looking great time will tell
  15. hello canoe21 welcome back to my dry docks glad to here all is well with u . the hobby heat gun work really good usee the jig that i made it works great it might just work for u as it did for me like i said in my post i put the plank in water for about 15to 20mins then put it in to the jig then use the heat gun on it when dry came out just right for me if u try this way if u need just ask
  16. hello jpett looking great so far .the frist planking is not fun to do at the back ther where u want to take your time as i did u are going the right way keep up the great work
  17. hello jpett so its a meeting of the minds i see lol as for the full planks i think it will look better then doing half planks its a bit more work but that ok for me i started 10planks from the top and work my way to top of the deck if u know what i mean as far the walnut bending is good if u use the jig and pre bend them for it thats the best way dont use nails at all on it it will just split usless u pre drill hole all and all it going vary well
  18. here i go with the last stage of planking heres a little bit of it done so far so good
  19. i agree billing getting bit better
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