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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. So last night I got the rabbit cut in bearding line almost done stole their little bit to do on the rabbit but it's coming along good and I got the Keel straightened out on the bottom so far it's coming along
  2. hi mark thay seem fine at the top looks like i may just have to file it down a bit that wont bother the rabbit line will it thank you for your reply mark
  3. iam not sure what to do here do i just sand the bottom to make it the same or could use some help thanks
  4. Here's my new build model shipways Bluenose already seeing issue with the keel parts don't meet at the bottom so I'm not sure what to do there I will upload picture of it
  5. Well I finally got finished with the inventory everything is all there took me pretty much the day the count through everything but all completing all there that's good
  6. This will be my build log for the USS Constitution that just arrived today it will be sometime before I start here a picture
  7. Welcome aboard
  8. thanks mtaylor iam just waiting on a new build get here so i can get started
  9. just thot id say hi all and iam back as i had to do lot family stuff to deal with now thats all done i can get back to building
  10. i took along breake from the hobby here iam just thot i say iam back
  11. hello popeye looking good so far i know a friend of mine he does de crome he used bleach just a thot u might want to try a peace off the tree to see how fast it works for u
  12. hello harvey its lookin really good hopw to see update soon
  13. well popeye looks like u are off to a good start iam going to pull up a chair as well lol
  14. hello harvey iam not to sure about that i will look that up tommorw and i will get back to u on that ok
  15. here are some pic of the back that i have been working ok used a little filler just to smoth some ruff spots out still have so more sanding so afr it looking good
  16. hello all i will be posting pic of the victory real soon as i get more done to it . still working on the gun ports its slow going on the part
  17. hello popeye u have done vary well on your build .iam so proud of u cant wait it see it all done keep up the great work.ps iam still working on my victory build
  18. hello popeye i have not been on the forums in a bit i come back and see your build and wow u have done really good on it .its great so far the craftmanship in that build is great keep up the great work
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