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Everything posted by Garward

  1. Magnificent model, ready museum piece !!! Congratulate !
  2. Hi, Buck, Many thanks for a congratulation and comment! Best regards, Vitalii
  3. Many thanks for a congratulation and comment! Best regards,
  4. Many thanks for сongratilatenss, I will continue to follow this course!
  5. Dear colleagues, many thanks for congratulations, is very pleasant to me your attention! Best regards,
  6. Thanks a lot for congratulations! Photos Montanes are here http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/82-montanes-by-garward-occre/ Best regards,
  7. During September 26-28, 2014 I passed the Cup of Kiev on class C models (on Naviga classification). The gun also was presented at these competitions and received the gold medal, the second place in the class C3-D and the Cup of Kiev. The cup for a gun is less (gold, but the second place), a cup for Montanes is more (silver, but the first place)
  8. During September 26-28, 2014 in Kiev the All-Ukrainian competitions "Cup of Kiev — 2014" in bench models of a class C were held (on classification of Naviga). Except the classes C1 - C7 (on the classification of Naviga existing now) held the second year competitions in the class C8 "Models from kits ". The class C8 consists of three subclasses: C-8-1 – sailing vessels and similar to them, without the main mechanical engine; C-8-2 – vessels with the mechanical engine; C-8-3 – models of ship installations or parts of the ship, stages of construction of models. The Montanes model participated in these competitions and received the first place in the class C8-3, a silver medal (gold in this class nobody was awarded) and the Cup of Kiev.
  9. Hi, Ian, Many thanks for the comment! Best regards,
  10. Photo of World Championship-2014 in Bulgaria: Here and subsequent pages http://forum.modelsworld.ru/topic12028start270.htmll
  11. Many thanks for a congratulation, Andrzej ! Best regards,
  12. Mark, Wacko Joe, Many thanks for a congratulation! Best regards, Vitalii
  13. Here are results in the class C-3D NAVIGA, the procedure of decoration and person honoured for his service (some - not only to С-3D). My model received the silver medal.
  14. Model in the World Cup - 28.06-06.07.2014 in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria: model assessment judges or as it was.
  15. Here it is possible to look at a photo from the Championship of Ukraine 2014 in a class C https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=522322974545651&set=np.96013630.100001951764131&type=1&theater http://forum.modelsworld.ru/topic12373.html http://www.shipmodeling.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=70491
  16. Hi, Antony, Many thanks for a congratulation and comment!
  17. Many thanks for a congratulation! I too hope that the situation at us will safely come to the end.
  18. Hi, Mark, many thanks for an assessment! This exposition was presented in the class C-3D (according to NAVIGA classification) in the open championship of Ukraine on bench models in a class C (on April 4-7, 2014, Kiev, Polytechnical Museum of technical university of Kiev). About 80 models participated in the championship, my exposition was awarded in a gold medal.
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