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Everything posted by Garward

  1. 3.4 . Metal details Loops of pins are made of a brass foil 0,3 mm thick by means of two drills: the drill diameter equal to diameter of a pin (1,5 mm) serves as a punch, and a drill diameter equal to diameter of a pin + of 2 thickness of a foil (2,1 mm), clamped in a vice, forms a matrix. All brass details are blackened in 20% solution of selenious acid.
  2. 3.2 . Axes Axes from a pear, cylindrical parts are made by means of a self-made mill.
  3. 3.1 . Cheeks of gun carriages Pear, overall dimensions of 18х8 mm, linseed oil and bituminous varnish.
  4. 3 . GUNS Guns of the first and the second (except for 8 guns) batteries are imitated by semi-trunks. The trunks of 12-pound tools of a main deck enclosed in a whale I designated scandalous hack-work of OcCre (a photo 1228): guns of galleons of the 16th eyelid are offered to be established by the linear ship of construction of 1794. Naturally, these trunks were replaced. Also cast gun carriages are replaced.
  5. 2.4. Transom Pink and yellow pear, interline interval ebony fine line, linseed oil; molding from a zinc alloy is covered with enamel paint for the Revell No. 94 models (gilding imitation).
  6. Continuation As soon as saw and I got IMG_3556_1 of a rack shown on a photo (diameter of openings of 1 mm) - didn't keep and right there I changed a protection on "transportation".
  7. Continuation Cabins for officials On drawings and drawings from a set (see a photo) and on a site http://www.todoababor.es/vida_barcos/nav_74can.html aft Montanes is shown a certain construction under the name "Camarotes de oficiales" that is translated as "cabins for officials". This construction on the deck of the 74th gun ship a little foreign matter that pushed me to the next searches – and that this such actually especially as on the vast majority of other models of battle ships and frigates of that period it is absent (except as on Superb). By means of modellers with Marine et Modelisme d’Arsenal and MSW it was succeeded to find out that this shoddy easily removable construction which was sometimes erected in a peace time for creation of additional conveniences to officials (to officers, officials) and to certain "worthy" passengers (a certain similarity of private life and fresh air far from close and musty lower decks). This room had the sizes from 4 foots 8 to 10 inches in height and contained four, six or eight bedrooms: two for guests or officials, and others for officers also it was equipped two-story two foots to 30 inches with beds, desks and cases. Before operations this construction was cleaned from the deck to exempt a place from unnecessary hindrances. As Gerard Delacroix kindly reported, in France this construction was called "transportation", he gave the reference to a photo of this construction (see below) on one of old French models. Thus, on the basis of received information it is a construction it would be possible and not to build, but remembering that Montanes as a part of the Spanish squadron within 8 years served on Philippines (Manila, Kavita) where such construction is very pertinent, I decided it to construct, but made also removable - is established on 4 probes on corners in openings in the deck.
  8. 2.3 . Superstructures aft Cabins for navigators and boxes for storage of flags, fouls and a compass.
  9. 2.3 . Superstructures aft Cabins for navigators and boxes for storage of flags, fouls and a compass.
  10. 2.2 . Kabestan It is made by means of a milling cutter of MF 70 and a delitelny head of Proxxon.
  11. 2 . Deck details Details are made of a pear (except a cloth of lattices).
  12. Thanks for a response! It isn't so difficult to do small metal (and not only) details if there is a desire it to do, at you everything will turn out.
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