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Everything posted by Garward

  1. Continuation Final version of a deck flooring. After assembly the space is lower than flooring boards from three parties (except a board) will be closed by decorative levels.
  2. Continuation The deck flooring for imitation of nails is established and marked.
  3. Good evening, Anja! Many thanks for an assessment of my work
  4. Continuation The internal and external parties of a board are sheathed.
  5. Continuation The internal and external parties of a board are sheathed.
  6. Continuation The internal surface of a board is sheathed by a dark pear. Fragments of a board and the deck are sheathed separately and connect to the help of directing pins (a brass wire of 2 mm).
  7. As I wrote at the beginning of the report, options there can be a set, I chose that is pleasant to me and is at me. By the way, many modellers, especially French, do such models of one pear. The same art post of Le Fleuron performed by the French modeller of Wpatrick. Section of Le Fleuron of Gerard Delacroix.
  8. Continuation Assembly of a fragment of a board and the deck began.
  9. Continuation The gun carriage is covered with one layer of OSMO oil-wax.
  10. Continuation New (modified from cast) and old brackets of fastening of pins; washers with a diameter of 3 mm and the laying imitating fastening of the return ends of brackets, eyes and couplers. Grooves in racks and brackets are milled by jeweler mills with a diameter of 0,7 and 1,1 mm respectively.
  11. Continuation Socket for recoil device (diameter of 1 mm) are made of hollow brass rivets with the outer diameter of tube of 2,5 mm (for printed-circuit boards, so-called "percussion caps"): rivets are truncated (that the new side didn't leave for the sizes already available), are unclenched by a cone on the lathe and pressurized in a vice.
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