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Everything posted by CDW

  1. Your Tiger Moth looks super-nice Chris! For somewhere around-about $20, there is this wing-jig available on Ebay. It gives you a way to align everything near to perfect when assembling the wings and tail surfaces.
  2. Maybe the reason the gear is made of brass is due to the heat applied at the extruder. Perhaps brass has a lower rate of expansion from heat. So glad to see you found the source of your malfunction. Next time I pull my machine out of storage, need to check my gear as well.
  3. It helps to keep a bottle of CA debonder handy to assist in removing delicate PE parts when you need to do that. Another reason to use Gator Grip acrylic glue for PE is because it debonds with water. Comes in really handy when mistakes need to be corrected.
  4. The I Love Kit version of the 1941 Hood used a wood deck application on the lower deck. I never checked to see if it was historically accurate or not. Besides the lower deck, you have the sides of the superstructure under there to paint. Maybe it won't be seen? It will be hard to paint with the upper deck in place.
  5. Glad to see you have started your Hood, looks great so far. Did you buy the deluxe kit with a wood deck? How do you intend to paint or use the wood deck application on the lower deck now that the upper deck is glued in place?
  6. Great looking seats! This boat is going to be a winner. Love the retro style.
  7. Gonna go silent for a week or so while family flies in tomorrow and stays with us through the Thanksgiving holidays. Hope everyone has a great week and will see you again soon.
  8. Gonna go silent for a week or so while family flies in tomorrow and stays with us through the Thanksgiving holidays. Hope everyone has a great week and will see you again soon.
  9. That hull looks real good Mike. She's going to be smooooth...
  10. Thanks OC. It's just so painfully slow to do. Like watching paint dry.
  11. With the beautiful paint and now the decals, she's really looking sharp, OC!
  12. When you buy a model aircraft with a detailed canopy frame like this one, do yourself a huge favor and buy a pre cut canopy mask if one is available. If your time is worth more than a dollar or two per hour, it will be money well spent. In this case, none was available to be found stateside, so I had to wing it.
  13. So glad to know you made it through surgery okay, but sad to learn recovery will be a longer process. I once had a Toyota Land Cruiser fall on top of me and it broke my shoulder. I was so sore after the third day it was unbelievable. Took quite a while to get past the soreness. Get plenty of rest and follow instructions. They know how to help you best get through the process without undue difficulty.
  14. Will definitely stay tuned for that one when you build it. Who publishes it?
  15. I have enjoyed your videos many times in the past and never realized you were a member here. Hiya Paul! Great videos, kudos to you.
  16. Continuing with the box stock build, used the kit decal for the seatbelt. The only thing added was a photo copied paper seatbelt to give the decal a more 3d appearance. Once the decal was in place and totally dry, gave the cockpit a dull clear coat to blend the colors together. Cemented the fuselage halves together , inserted the cockpit and cemented it in place, then cemented the wings to the fuselage. Will allow this to thoroughly dry over night.
  17. With decals and a wash, the office is dry fitted into the fuselage. Nice fit, no problems at all. Need to add the seat belts before buttoning it up.
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